Mission 18: Destroy the Holy Swords

193 8 6

Kuoh Docks

As the sun was setting, Damien and Lucille were at the docks with A with their fishing rods. A has come to grown a liking for the two as he admires and respects both of their camaraderie.

A: You two are getting good at this.

Lucille: It's all about skill.

Damien: More like patience.

A: A bit of both. Why not?

Damien: Are you a type of mediator, Mr. A?

A: I like to see both sides at a conclusive agreement. Which reminds me, better make a call to devil boy.

He takes out his phone as he calls Issei, asking him for another contract. But on the other line, Issei has to turn it down due to his plan with the others.

A: Ah, I see. Well, maybe next time.

He then hangs up as Lucille turns towards the old man.

Lucille: Couldn't make it?

A: Yeah. He must be pretty busy.

Damien: You also mentioned that two other people I know would be here. Who would that be?

Vali: Who else?

Turning their heads around, they see Vali standing right behind the three with Kuroka behind him.

A: Ah, you finally made it. Let me guess, you were not wanting to keep me lonely?

Vali: You had company. There's a big difference.

Kuroka: *looks at Damien* Hey, cutie~ Missed me?

Damien: Vali, Kuroka... Hey.

Lucille: Wait, Kuroka? You mean you're the one we inadvertently cleared?

Kuroka: Very same.

Lucille: Hm. Didn't know you looked this good?~

Kuroka: Nya~ I'll take that as a compliment.

Damien: I haven't seen you two after the whole Crimson Ronin attack... Speaking of which, what happened?

Vali: He got away. But I suspect that he's still somewhere here in this town.

Damien: *sigh* ... Dammit... Well, it is good to see familiar faces once in a blue moon.

Kuroka: But it's not a blue moon.

Lucille: That's his figure of speech.

A: Well, I guess it's as good as any to tell you the truth. Since you two seem to be trustworthy.

Damien: What do you mean?

A: If I had to guess since you two are friends with the devil boy, I can only assume you know about the fallen angels.

Damien: Oh. Well, only a little. Rias said that they're bad news.

A: Let's just say that... *stands up* I'm not proud of how the Grigori has turned out.

Six black feathered wings sprouted from A's back, making Damien sit up alarmed while Lucille kept sitting down and fishing, but still looking at A.

Lucille: So you're a Fallen Angel, huh?

High Leader of the Grigoris


Azazel: You are correct. I am one of the high leaders of the Grigoris. Azazel.

Damien was about to draw his Onimaru, but Vali held his hand.

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