Mission 10.5: The Crimson Ronin

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Hours go by as the sun sets. Back at the bar, Damien finished cleaned up after the whole Freed situation. Upon putting the mop and broom away, he walks towards the bartender. 

Bartender: Thanks for helping out, kid. 

Damien: No problem. I just wanted make sure you still have a job. 

Bartender: Really? ... Huh. Sure thing, kid... Oh, have this. 

The Bartender hands over fair amount of yen to Damien. 

Damien: You're... paying me?

Bartender: Consider this a gift for saving my life. And hey, listen, if you ever have the time for some more pay, come by the bar and help clean up... Don't have to, I was just letting you know. 

Damien: I got it. Thanks. 

Damien waves goodbye to the bartender and leaves the bar, pocketing his yen. Right as he was about to make his way back to the shop, he recognizes the black cat from a few days ago walking in front of him. 

Damien: It's you... *crouches* Hey, uh.. Thanks for helping us back in the Underworld... Don't know how you got there or here, but... you might've helped us cleared a name. 

The cat only meows in response. As Damien stands up after petting her head, the cat begins to cuddle itself through his legs until it begins to head off towards a forest. The cat turns around, making Damien wonder what she was getting at. 

Damien: You want me to follow you?... Okay. 

He proceeds to follow the cat into the forest. Passing by several trees as well as passing by the same place he and everyone fought the Breast Chimera, he begins to look around and notice the cat had disappeared. 

Damien: Hm? Uh... Hello? Where'd you go? ... Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.... Okay, that's weird. Where'd she go? 

However, up above, the cat's eyes glowed passing by a tree and entering into her true form. 

???: I'm right here, cutie~

Alarmed, Damien held his blade for a quick draw as he turns around, looking up to see a woman with black hair and cat ears, two tails, wearing a black and red kimono with an yellow obi belt. Voluptuous body aside, Damien looks at her directly at the eyes, having a sudden sense of Deja Vu. 

???: No need to be defensive. I just want to talk is all. 

Damien: ... *tilts head* Define talk?

The woman leaps off the tree and lands in front of him, getting real close to his face. 

???: Well, there can be two ways of talking~ One is simply just sitting down and just chatting. The other is on the bed, have an intimate time~

Damien: *blushing* Uh, okay, I think the first one then.

The Black Cat


Kuroka: Perfect. Well, I should give you my name then. I'm Kuroka. 

Hearing Kuroka drop her name, Damien's head begin to click. 

Damien: Kuroka? ... Wait, you're- ... *rubs head* You're the one we inadvertently cleared of your crimes? 

Kuroka: Yes.

The two began to sit down as Kuroka began to explain her side of the story. 

Kuroka: I've often visited that place more then I can count... Hoping to find some traces that were left behind that could prove my innocence. But only coming up short... That was until I saw you and your girlfriend around.

Devil May Cry: Worlds Demonic Converge (Volume 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz