Mission 05: Morbid Discovery

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Walking around the woods of the Devil's Underworld, Lucille and Damien were walking together to search for whoever was the third party responsible for Riser's sudden power up during the Rating Game. 

Lucille: Hm. Never thought searching around for this third party would be tough... *sigh* Wonder how Dante is doing right now. 

Damien: ... 

Lucille: ... You've been silent for a while. Are you okay?

Damien: I'm alright... Just...

Lucille: We've been walking for a while. Let's sit down. 

She takes Damien's hand and walks over towards a log, both of them sitting down. 

Lucille: You're really nervous, are you?

Damien: No, it's... I just don't know how I can explain it. 

Lucille: Hm.. Talk to me. 

Damien: ... I've been wondering what Vergil said. About me being created or not by Mundus... I don't know who he is... but... the power I felt off of him... it's scary. Even feeling it... I felt like I was trapped in the dark. 

Lucille: ... He also said about the Legend of Sparda. Though I don't know why he asked me about it. 

Damien: ... What is... the Legend of Sparda?

Lucille: ... It's like a fairytale if you think about it. Mom used to read it to me whenever she tucks me into bed... Sparda was a powerful demon that rebelled against Mundus for the sake of humanity. He even went as far as to seal him and the demon underworld away, and was now revered as a hero. 

Damien: ... Why? Why would he rebel against his kind?

Lucille: As far as I know, he's the only demon that had a heart

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Lucille: As far as I know, he's the only demon that had a heart... But overtime, his story just became legend to the common folk. No one thought he was real or not, only a legend or rumor. 

Damien: ...

Lucille: I don't know why Vergil asked me about the story... But he did say I would find out eventually. 

Damien: I hope you will. 

Lucile: Aw... Thanks. 

The little moment between the two was becoming sweet and kind. However, it was interrupted when Lucille's Devil Bringer began to glow brightly. She grew curious as she stood up and pointed in the direction it was glowing. 

Lucille: Looks like it's pointing towards this way... Let's go. 

The two stand up, now off of their break and continue to head in the direction Lucille's Devil Bringer was hinting towards. Pressing on through the forest, the more they were walking through, the more they see a bunch of branches charred.

Damien: ... Think this place was on fire?

Lucille: Why'd you ask?

Damien: The branches... They're charred. 

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