Mission 07: Team RWBY

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Switch Appearances for Nero

Current                    >Classic


Few days pass since the departure of Red Grave as Nero and the group set out as the sun was shining down upon the field in front. Nico was the driver like always, with Nero usually sitting on the passenger side. Cloud was sitting on the couch behind him while Lady and Trish were in the pocket dimension at the door in the other end of the van. 

Morrigan was in her bat form, perched on top of the jukebox. While Nero was looking at the Devil Chart for which they want to go, the radio was playing as the news anchor was playing the recent events that had transpired in the past three days.

After hearing the same story, Nero stands up and turns off the radio.

Nero: Same crap, different day.

Nico: *smokes cigarette* I'd keep it on, just in case newer places manage to get found.

Nero: *sighs* Got a point. I'll turn it back on later.

He sits on the opposite end of the couch as he pulls out a book which was labeled V. The very same poetry book his father had before he gave him before he left with Dante. Blowing smoke out, Nico speaks out.

Nico: So, Sky Soarer. Tell us about your world.

Cloud: Sky Soarer?

Nico: Don't ask, but your appearance is giving off those feelings. I'm not complaining, just wanted to point it out.

Cloud:... Well, as for my world... It's not something that you call experiencing.

Nero: That being?

Cloud: ... The planet is slowly healing. Years ago we almost faced the threat of Meteor because of Sephiroth.

Nico: Hm... We faced a similar situation like that two years ago.

Cloud: From what?

Nico: A tree from the deep dark and spooky world.

Cloud had no context of what she means until Nero spoke on her behalf.

Nero: Basically we would've been Qliphoth pollen.

Cloud: A what?

Nero: A tree from the Underworld. It feeds off of human blood and it produces more and more demons the bigger it gets

Cloud: Demons... It's better than the ones I've seen. Just monsters on and on.

Nico: Anything else?

Cloud: Would you believe me if I dreamed of fighting alongside a boy who wields a key for a blade?

Nico: ... *smokes cigarette and blows* Touche. But if it's anything, you do have a badass sword

Nero: Hey.

Nico: Don't talk back to me, you have a blade that's a literal engine.

Morrigan flies down, shifts back to her normal form, but wearing a white jacket and red pants. Sitting in the middle of both Nero and Cloud, relaxing her back.

 Sitting in the middle of both Nero and Cloud, relaxing her back

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