Mission 10: A Dusty Old Crow

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A bright and sunny day was looming in Kuoh City. Dante was out walking through the city plaza while Lucille and Damien were back at the shop in case a call would come in. Walking towards the fountain, Dante kneels down and looks at his reflection. For the first time in a while, he begins to have a brief memory of his childhood, a time where him and Vergil's mother, Eva, were still alive.  

He remembers to this day. Even if they were children back then, one thing was certain, they love to fight each other.

Dante: ... You know... I've been thinking about that day... What if our positions were switched? Would our fates be different?... Would I walk in your path in pursuit of power, and you'd walk in my path of vengeance?... I wonder... have you said the same thing, brother?

His thoughts were interrupted as a dusty old crow perches next to him, looking directly at the devil hunter. 

Dante: Huh. Didn't know you were spying on me... We don't we keep this a secret between us, alright? Thanks. 

He waves goodbye to the crow as he leaves the fountain, heading back to where the shop was. 

Devil May Cry / Shooting Range

To much of both Damien and Dante's surprise when they first entered the shop, Lucille had a shooting range secretly, and was soundproofed so no one would report shots fired. Inside the target range, Damien fired all 16 rounds directly towards the target dummies head and red dot. For his first time, he was very skilled as a marksmen.

Damien had even begun to reshape himself too, losing the pauldron on his left shoulder, now wearing suspenders to properly hold his gear. After the target practice, Damien wipes the sweat off of his head, while Lucille was applauding for him. 

Lucille: Wow, you're really good at this.

Damien: Am I? ... It's just a few targets. 

Lucille: *giggles* Well, it the perk of having demon blood. *sigh* But all of this is wanting me to go out for a drink... Want to come?

Damien: Uh, wouldn't drinking be a bit rough?

Lucille: Oh, don't worry. I'm very well experienced, so I'll show you the ropes~

 I'm very well experienced, so I'll show you the ropes~

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Damien: Okay then. 

The two grab their jackets as they leave the shooting range, seeing Dante enter back in the shop.

Lucille: Welcome back. How was your walk?

Dante: Little self reflection here and there... Where you two going?

Lucille: Out for a drink. Want to come?

Dante: Nah. I'll stick back in case any calls come up... Just don't drink too hard.

Lucille: No worries, we got it.

She grabs Damien's hand as the two walk out together, leaving Dante to chuckle to himself. 

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