James glanced over to where Ethan was.

He was gone.

In an instant, Ethan was on James pummeling him with punches.

Claws formed outside of Ethan's hands and James fought against them.

Cassee could feel tears streaming down her face as she raced to her feet yelling at them to stop.

James heard growling--it was coming from Ethan.

Blue flames shot out of his eyes as they scorched the ground around him.

James dodged them just in time.

Blue flames hung around on the ground for a few seconds before diminishing.

James realized that Ethan was trying to kill him.

"Ethan, stop!" James shouted.

But Ethan punched in square in the jaw. James could taste blood in his mouth.

He held up his arms to cushion the blows.

"Ethan, why are you doing this!?" James shouted.

He didn't want to punch Ethan but he didn't have a choice.

His fist came first--smacking Ethan in his cheek.

He cried out in pain and James pushed him off.

Cassedee stood there--unable to move. Not knowing what to do.

James grabbed a hold of Ethan's wrists and pinned him against the dirt.

Blue fire slowly exploded from his eyes and James ducked.

It seared the top of his head--his hair now reeked of a burnt smell.

Suddenly, a shadow figure emerged from the bushes.


"Thats enough, Ethan. I think our guests have learned their lesson."

The voice sounded familar.

Cassedee recognized it.

It was the tall man she had seen in her dream. The one with the glowing eyes. Green.

It couldn't be--she thought Ethan was Mr. T?

Cassedee backed up slowly but a force held her in place.

"Tisk, tisk, Cassedee. Don't you run from me now. I know you know who I am. There's nothing to be afraid of. This is all  a part of the circle of life. You die then your soul is released."

Cassedee was frozen. Her hands forced at her sides. She stood there, rigid. All she could do was move her eyes as she watched the figure emerge from the shadows.

The man's face came into the moonlight and glowed against the blue flames that dimmed out on the ground.

She could see his long thin mustache curl at the edges. His thick long eyebrows swirl around on the sides.

His wide brimmed hat--black with bits of purple. A blue ribbon tied around it.

He had on a green suit with a cane.

The skull head at the top.

Cassedee knew in that moment that this was the man in her dream.

This was the infamous Mr. T.

Cassedee shot James a look--their eyes met. They knew exactly who this man was.

The man grinned as he walked toward them. His cane clunking against the ground.

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