Feast of the winter star

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The most special day of the year has come, The Feast of the Winter Star! It's a holiday we're everyone comes together, eats a feast, and exchanges gifts.

Alex has been looking forward to this day for awhile now. His gift exchange partner is Haley and he wanted to get her the perfect gift.

Alex arrived at the party with the box in his hand. He's a little bit nervous that this gift isn't something she'll like. He notices Haley.

"Haley!" He shouts.

She turns to him and smiles, "yes?"

"I have your gift," he hands the box to her.

"Is this the new lavender scented perfume?" Haley looks at him.

"Yes," he responds.

She starts jumping around excited, "how did you know I wanted this?"

"I heard you mention it,"

"Thank you so much," she runs up and hugs him.

He blushes, "your welcome"

"Oh here's your gift!"

Alex opens the box and reveals a new football, "how did you know I wanted this?"

"Magic," Haley responds

Alex starts jumping around excited, "thank you!"

"Happy feast of the winter star!" Haley kisses Alex on the cheek and runs away.

Alex stand there in shock.

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