Chapter 6: Sima Yan

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     Wei Ying took the young man into his house. He checked his physical condition, and found out the guy was okay.

  Although there was blood on his body he didn't seem to have any wounds.

  Wei Ying changed his clothes and, sat beside him. After about sn hour the man on the bed moved and sat up.

  "How did you end up here?" Wei Ying asked.

"I don't remember anything, and I seem to have amnesia," the young man replied.

  "What's your name?" Wei Ying asked.

  "Sima Yan."
"You said you had amnesia. How did you remember your name.?"

  "Oh... it's written on my pendant."

With that Sima Yan produced a pendant with his name engraved on it.

  His cheerful and carefree actions made Wei Ying's eyebrows twitch.

  "So... What's my savior's name?"

"Wei Ying." He answered flatly.

"Such a nice name. It fits you..... your cold temperament will send a chill down your enemies spines."


"Since I don't have a place to go. I might as well follow you around."

"It will be annoying to have a fly by my side."

"Hey... that's rude," Sima Yan retorted.

  "No,it's not," Wei Ying replied flatly.

The two were silent for a couple of minutes when they suddenly heard a low growl.

  "That was me," Sima Yan said with an awkward smile.

Wei Ying got up from his position and went out. After an hour he came back with a package.

  "Here," he said.
Sima Yan collected it with a forced smile.

"Thank you."

"Aren't you afraid I'll poison it?" Wei Ying asked with raised eyebrows.

"No. You saved me, so you can't kill me."

"They say be a beautiful flower, but be the serpent under it. I'm more than cruel," he said with a glint of red in his endless pool like eyes.

  Sima Yan blinked," I don't care. It'll be better to die in your hands. Has anyone ever told you how handsome you look when you ack wicked?"

  "You can't follow me around."

"Then I'll try fitting. I can take care of my restless self." Sima Yan said with  a proud look on his face.

  "I'm gonna be leaving this place, so do whatever you want. I don't care."

Wei Ying got up and walked towards the door of the building.
"Hey, wait for me."

  Sima Yan and Wei Ying walked on the road. Sima Yan kept peeping at Wei Ying.

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