I'll Always Love You No Matter What

Start from the beginning

"I thought you didn't love me and I'm not so sure about it anymore." Jennie said, a uncertain look on her face.

"I'll always love you no matter what."

That comforted and warmed her.


The next day, she got a call from her boss that he wants her to be a director of a new movie coming up. Jennie was surprised to the request and ended the call saying she needed more time to see and disagree or agree.

She slowly huffed, walking to Taehyung who was busy cooking breakfast. She has always admired his cooking and as well as his affection towards her.

"Taehyung?" She placed a hand on her swollen belly. Taehyung hummed, and turned to her, holding a spatula in one hand and the other, a pan. He wore a apron which read 'Daddy's little girl.'

Jennie told him about the call and saw his expression changing every minute (and to her dismay), he held a stern look in the end.

"Jennie, no." His answer was final.

"But...w-why?" Her eyes teared up. "It's not like anything will happen to me at all if I take care of the job, it's not like my baby is in danger."

Taehyung scowled. "But anything could happen! You could trip and fall and I'll not be there!"

"I have always stand by your rules ever since I got pregnant with our baby but it's taking too far." At first Jennie was really upset but that feeling immediately turned into rage as soon as possible. "It's like as if I have no freedom as all! I'm tired of this! It's like I'm just captured in a cage with no way of going out!"

"Jennie!" Taehyung roared. "It's not like I am against your freedom, I'm so worried! This is literally our first baby and as soon-to-be father, I have the right to look out for your safety."

"And as soon-to-be mother, I also have the right to ignore your protectiveness! It is just a simple job of directing a movie!" Jennie shouted back. "I've always been right! You have never loved me and I'm sure of that! Perhaps I was wrong to love you and perhaps we shouldn't have ever married!"

Taehyung was shocked and then hurt as he stared into Jennie's eyes. Jennie was breathing hard and then gasped when she realized her last words! What has she done?! It's simply like saying they should ask for a divorce.

"Look, I'm sorry...wait...!" Jennie said but Taehyung snatched the apron off him and then walked away. Jennie tried to take his hand but he was already gone.


Jennie is now eight months pregnant.

These last three months were tough and hard on her and Taehyung too. They have not talked to each other at all ever since that small meaningful fight in the kitchen and as the days passed, Jennie was in an deep abyss of guilt, regret, longing and loneliness.

Jennie, if course, accepted the directing job even if Taehyung has never agreed to this job. She will go to the venue and she will direct the movie peacefully. Since she is pregnant, sometimes she'll lash out in an unexpected way and everybody was understanding since she's pregnant and the mood swings are perfectly normal.

Right now, at home she's different, she'll glance at Taehyung with longing when he will come home from whatever he went...but he'll merely give her a hurt look and just leave just like that.

Jennie has taken notice of his actions. He even started to sleep in the guest room so and she was completely sad that she'll cry in the spot where he used to lay or sleep in his shirt. But even if he's hurt, he always made sure that he cooked her dinner and even helped with things she couldn't even bother herself from doing like taking a jar of Nutella from the top cupboard in the kitchen. He was always there to make sure she was safe along with their unborn child wordlessly and from the shadows.

Right now, Jennie could only hum when her due date was near in the final month and she could notice how Taehyung had prepared the hospital bag and things and panicked (even not entirely) whenever she has a contraction. His actions will make her giggle subconsciously.

At this moment, Jennie was now eating a bucket of chicken (not that spicy as it was bought by Taehyung a few days ago) and watching a movie, Taehyung next to her as he made important calls from time to time.

Jennie got tired of everthing. She has to apologize even if she may think he was the sole reason why they've been a little bit distant now. Unexpectedly, she snatched his phone away from him.

"I'm sorry!" She said loudly and saw him freeze. "I'm sorry for what I said to you in the kitchen that day, it was really bad and I don't deserve you but deep down within, I was scared that you wouldn't love me...I was just so scared. But do understand that I am a mother and I wouldn't let anything bad come towards our baby."

Taehyung finally gave her a big smile. "I was hurt to be honest but I've forgiven you a long time ago. I'm sorry for being too protective about you and I should've known that you're struggling too."

"Who cares." Jennie shrugged, keeping an amused smile on her face as they kissed in a passionate gently way, Taehyung's hand on her large bump.

The baby kicked and the couple laughed as they broke off the kiss, happy about the way they reunited.

"Jennie?" Taehyung called lovingly.

"Yes." Jennie looked up at him.

"I'll always love you no matter what."


Two more one shots to go and this one shot book will completed after all I didn't say this will be a long book since I wrote 'some' in the description. But I think this book might be longer than ten one shots.

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