into the wild

23 4 7

" Alfez!"
" What are you doing?! Are you going to go to every man's house ?!"
" If that is what I have to do then yes, I will search every house."
" I don't want this , Alfez, please come back."
" Veera --"
" Please? Just don't alright? Please for me?"
Just then , Aseem and Safeena were returning walking hand in hand. They saw them and approached them.
" Alfez? What happened?"
" Nothing." Saying that he went back in.
" Veera , did you both fight or something?" Aseem asked her.
" No, actually -- he is--"
" Alfez is not a someone who is like this, I mean he rarely gets that pissed. It must've been something terrible. Should I talk to him?"
" Please get that anger out of his head. It's of no use. "
" I'm going to talk to him."
" Veera? What did you tell him?"
" I told him about the men who used to bang my door at night."
" What?! Then we should --"
" It was a long time ago. "
" But you have them all over your house."
" I don't want to make it up to something which can cause me to leave. Once I get out of this house everything is over for me. "
" If I was a princess, I would have taken you with me. To my palace. You would love it there."
She smiled.

" Alfez?" Aseem went inside.
" Don't Aseem, it's unbearable."
" Listen Alfez, --"
" You don't know Aseem! You would have done the same thing if it was about Safeena."
" What happened Alfez?!"
" The people, the men, they try to take advantage of her-- harrass her--"
" What?!"
" And she is - she is scared to live in her house. I can't tolerate this , Aseem."
" This is so cruel-- Alfez, calm down, we will do something."
" What?! She is not ready. If something happens she will have to leave from here and she can't oppose all of them--"
" But not now right? We are living here, with her. This is our home. Nobody can throw her out of this house."
" So then let's go and --"
" No, Alfez, I have a plan."
" What plan?"
After dinner, everyone was sitting and talking.
" I miss my sister." Safeena said.
" You have a sister?"
" Yes little sister, Her name is Shaheen."
" Oh "
" I don't know what she might be going through because of me. My grandfather is very strict. And now, after all this, she might be getting a hard time."
" Does she know that you are here?"
" No , noone knows that I am here. I want to tell her but I don't know how to. What if she needs me but doesn't know how to contact me? I can't send any message to her, as it will get checked and I don't want her to get in any trouble because of me anymore."
" Everything will be alright, you will be called back, I am sure."
" Thank you."

The sky was shining in the moonlight, that's when , Aseem was outside the house , he suddenly came inside and called out everyone.
" Alfez, Safeena, we need to go."
" What why?"
" We have to go Hastipur. Urgently. Get ready ."
" But why now? It's too late." Veera said.
" It's urgent, please, let's go."
" Aseem, --"
" Safeena , I will explain everything once we get out."
" But all of you have to go? It's too late, there must be wild animals outside and it's dangerous. Please don't go."
" We have to go, Veera." Aseem said.
" But-- atleast --"
" Sorry, but we have to go. We will come back if possible."
" Can't she stay?"
" It's about her."
They started collecting their stuff and started moving out.
" But wait, you can't leave like this. You said you are going stay a bit longer."
" Yes we did. But we may have a message for her in Hastipur. And we have to get it. "
" But-- " they Started packing as she was trying to stop them.
" Nice to meet you, Veera. I hope we see you soon." Alfez said.
" You don't have to go this urgent, it's late at night --"
" Good bye Veera." They started walking out. Safeena hugged her and asked her to take care of herself. She could see the worry in Alfez's eyes before leaving.

After they walked out she immediately locked the door and closed the windows. She felt so lonely after they left. Almost after midnight, there was the knock on the door.
" My lady! I am here, please open the door for your man."
She didn't answer at all. She stayed at the door.
" My lady, open the door. We will have the best night ever."
She kept praying inside.
" No no please no."
" I know you are in there! Your guests are gone. Let me be your guest now."
He started banging on the door with a lot of force. She held it tight close.
" I can see your feet down through the door. Open up now."
" Please go away. Please go away."
" The door is going to break now--"
" No please, don't, please go away. Please --"
She heard a scream. The banging stopped. She couldn't hear him anymore. She got suspicious, she tried looking down through the door gap, but couldn't see anything. She slightly opened the door to see. She saw nothing, not a single person around.
She then opened the door wide and started looking here and there. Just then a a huge thing dropped in front of her. She screamed loudly, going back scared. The thing dropped in front of her was nothing but the man's body who was banging her door.
Veera was scared breathing loudly when Alfez came out of the dark with Aseem and Safeena.
" You?"
" No need to be scared anymore."
" Is he -- is he dead?"
" No , he is not dead."
" Alfez, you-- safeena"
" Veera, calm down , he is not dead. Just breathe"
" Safeena-"
" Veera? He is man that troubled you so much. Do you still feel pity for him?" Alfez asked .
" Alfez --"
" Go ahead ,do whatever you want with him"
" What?"
" Let everyone know what happens if they knock your door again."
" I wish I could kill him. Just say the word Veera , I will take the hell out of him."
The man then tried to get up and sneak out. Alfez caught him and punched his nose.
" Don't try to make me more furious than I already am. Stay right here. You wanted to spend the night here? Now you get it."
" Alfez-- please just stop this, I can't look at this--"
" Veera how long are you going to stay silent?"
" Alfez all of this -- I am not -- I don't want to see this man here. Ever again."
" What should we do?"
" Throw him out of the village. Throw him into the wild." Safeena said.
" Apologise to her you punk."
" I ahh- I am sorry!"
" Aseem--"
" Yes" Aseem took him.
Safeena was about to console Veera when Aseem stopped her.
" Come with me." Aseem showed her that Alfez was trying to get her back to normal. Safeena agreed and went with Aseem to get that man in the wild.

Veera was wiping her tears while covering her face. Alfez slowly walked towards her .
" Veera?"
" I -- thank you --"
" Can I ? " He asked her permission to get closer.
" Do you want-- can I -- i mean, I -- hug you-- not if you don't want to. Let it be -- it - can I?" Alfez stumbled.
She looked at him with some kind of tiredness. He placed his hand on her head and patted her.
After a very long time, she felt safe.
" Why did you do this?"
" To make you understand that you should fight for yourself. And when you can't, I will be there."

Aseem and Safeena both kicked the man out of the village into the wild. Now it was time for them to go back . Aseem was walking ahead of her as they approached the house.
" Should we go in or wait outside?" Safeena asked.
" Let me check first. I don't think Alfez will move forward this fast. I just hope he doesn't miss his chance by being shy or something." Aseem kept talking.
" But safeena, Why are you in a hurry to get back? What happened to my warrior princess? "
" What to do, I think we should wait and have our own time . What do you think?" Aseem smiled and asked her. He turned around when he heard no answer.
" Safeena?"
" Safeena?!"
He started looking for her as she was nowhere to be seen.
" Safeena!" He called out her name looking for her. He started looking around the house for her. There was so dark that he was not able to see anything. He got a little worried and scared.
" Safeena! Don't play with me. Safeena. It's not a good time for tricks. Please come out. Safeena!"
He went towards the stable looking for her, worried. He was now about to get Alfez for help to find her.

Just then someone pulled him over the sides inside the stable. He was pushed on to the wall, a hand covered his mouth and the other on his neck.
She stared deep into his eyes. He smiled after finally able to see her.
She removed her hand from his mouth and he said,
" Never do this again, I was so worried."
" You wanted thrill. Have one then."
" Thrill? I was scared to death here."
" I apologise for my ways."
" You better."
" I will do whatever you want." She said with a smirk.
" Now that's a thrill."
He rolled his eyes on his chest. She got her clue. She ripped off his clothes with her fingers brushing over his chest. He put his hand into her dress tingling her stomach without ripping.
" I love you so much. " He whispered in her ears and kissed right below her ear. He hugged her tight and sniffed her neck.

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