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After leaving her to the palace, Agastya tried to get to the backside of the palace. There were guards present there all the time.

He counted each of them and remembered their faces. He then went to the wall which separates the rest of the forest and  the palace. He touched the wall with his both hands, studied it very keenly. He then looked at the prison building.

" There are three floors with a total of 18 windows on this side . It definitely must be one of them. " He started thinking.
" But which one?! How will I find that out? Think ! Think!" He said to himself.
" Alright " he thought for a while and went back to his room. He started drawing something .
" It's been days ! I need something to start it . I don't have much time! I don't think so I can take anyone's help here but I have to try "

It was almost midnight and he went out to clear his head. There he saw Shaheen waiting for someone. When he saw her, he hid himself behind the pillars. A boy arrived in a minute who started talking to Shaheen and after some time he went back. That's where Agastya caught her.
" What are doing little princess?"
" You ?! "
" The one and only . What's going on?"
" Nothing"
" I saw everything"
" I am dead now right ? Don't tell anyone please?!"
" I won't "
" Thank you "
" But I am curious, who is he ?"
" He is - he is -" Shaheen was blushing
" Okay I understood. But don't you think he is unsafe here"
" I know that, if he gets caught then he is gone , everything is gone !"
" Gone ? Why ?"
" It's so Obvious prince, he will be put in prison. My father won't like all this ."
" What if he gets in prison? He can come out right?"
" I don't think I can convince my father for that. And once he gets in then I don't know if I could ever see him again ."
" What ?! It's that intense here? The prisoners don't get to meet anyone?"
" It depends on what they have done . But still I don't think so "
" So the prisoners never come out ?"
" They do , one day , to see the sun. They do come out "
" And what they have to do for that ?"
" Work , if they work then maybe but still it depends on their crime too . If it's too bad they kill them right away."
" God that's actually terrifying."
" That's why this is the safest place all around."
" Right "
" So then we are clear right? You won't tell anyone?"
" I won't, I promise " he had got what he wanted.
They both went back to their rooms.
" I don't have much time " he lowered his head down.

The next day

During break , everybody was relaxing and talking to their friends.
Safeena was just sitting there by herself when she saw Salim jumping and hopping carrying a letter in his hand.
" Hey! What happened?!" Safeena smiled when asked him . Everyone waited to hear from him as he seemed so happy everybody was curious.
" I received a letter! From home. I am called back. I am going back home."
" What?!" She stood up happily.
" Yes! My father called me back, I am done with my lessons here ."
" Woww!" Everyone cheered for him.
" It's so great I am so happy for you ." Safeena said.
" Thanks Safeena. I will go talk to your grandfather."
" Yeah yeah"
" I finally get to see her ! Safeena" Salim was very excited
" I know , I know ." She giggled.
" I will see you later."
" Oh okay" And then Salim ran off and her smile faded.

" What happened princess?" Agastya asked her seeing her unhappy face
" You don't look happy " he continued
" What do you care?"
" Just asking "
" Don't ask then"
" You sad he is going?"
" I said don't ask."
" You are sad , aren't you?"
" I am okay?! He is my only friend here and I am sad that he is leaving. Happy? Go away now ." She said it all in one breath.
" So you are not heartless as I thought." He paused for a second and then continued .
" I can be your friend."
" I don't need you."
She shoved him away and went back.
Time pass by , it was evening. Salim's friends had planned a farewell for him. But Safeena was nowhere to be seen.

" Hey little princess " Agastya got hold of Shaheen in the evening when she was lighting up the latterns.
" Hello prince, tell me what did you do now ?"
" Me ? "
" Yes you "
" I haven't done anything today."
" Then why is she -"
" Salim is leaving " He cut her off in between.
" Oh that's why "
" I didn't think that she is this sensitive person?"
" It's Salim ofcourse she will be -" She covered her mouth in regret.
" Oh no " she slammed her forehead.
" She loves him, doesn't she ?" He gave a 'check to reality' smile .
" Forget that I told you "
" As you wish "
" But for real where is she ?"
" Haven't seen her "
" If you see her, you tell me. What you will do ?"
" I will tell you "
" Good, don't try to act smart got it?"
" Yes your majesty "
Shaheen laughed.

Everyone of his friends there were present. Even Shaheen was there. But there was one person missing .
" Where is Safeena?" Salim asked Shaheen.
" I have no idea"
" Oh " he looked sad . His friends then took his attention as they were talking to him . Shaheen searched for her but she was nowhere.
" Did you find her?" Agastya asked.
" No "
" When is salim leaving?"
" Tomorrow early in the morning."
" Okay "
" Where are you going?" Shaheen asked him.
" I will find her."
" Where?"
He didn't answer her.

He went running to all the places he thought she could be.
Alas he found her sitting down the stairs at the lake.
" You are hiding here? It's so obvious safeena "
" How did you find me?"
" I too have brains."
" Go away "
" What's wrong?"
" Nothing"
" Don't you want to give your good bye to your friend?"
" No "
" You should"
" I can't "
He sat beside her.

" Why are you not coming?"
She didn't answer
" You should say goodbye to him "
" I don't want to go"
" You think this will make it all easy then you are wrong . It won't. "
" Leave me alone, I am not coming "
" He is waiting for you to show up. He deserves this from you for being a good friend to you. Don't you think?"
She looked down the whole time.
" You know, you might regret it later. He is never coming back . So later you will think to yourself that you should have done that , you should have gone . That feeling is the worst."
" I -"
" Trust me you will. Go . Crying after that is better than regretting. "
She stood up and then so did he. She looked at him as if she was having second thoughts. He assured her with his eyes and told her to go.
She went to the farewell place, everyone had already left and Salim was just about to leave.

" Salim wait" she called for him
" Safeena ! Where were you? I thought I would never get to see you "
" I will miss you Salim"
" I will miss you too. You come there, to my home . I will introduce you to Madhuri, you two would be best friends for sure."
" Sure I will come ."
" I fell really bad that I will be missing your birthday!"
" It's okay Salim . Send me gifts "
They both laughed
" Of course " he said and continued,
" This is it then"
" Yes. Take care Salim. Don't you ever forget me "
" Even if I want to I can't . I have a box filled with your secrets "
She laughed.
" You too take care Safeena. Don't get in trouble "
" I won't " They both laughed.
" Goodbye Safeena"
" Goodbye Salim"
They both said their goodbyes to each other and then she turned back to see Agastya waiting.
" Hey listen." She called out
" Yes?"
She took a deep pause.
" Thank you for making me do this."
" You are most welcome princess"

Safeena Where stories live. Discover now