prison break

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It was midnight and his plan was supposed to begin.
" Safeena , it's time "
" It's time "
They both said to each other but actually they were telling this for themselves.
" I can't talk , I don't know what to say."
" Assem?"
" This is first time you said my real name. It felt different, like you actually called me today. "
She smiled .
" But still, if you like Agastya, you can call me that."
" How can I call you another name? You won't look then "
" Safeena, it's your voice. How could I ever not look?"
She smiled and said,
" I will miss this. "
He wanted to tell her something but she stopped him.
" Don't give me any false hope. I have accepted it "
" Have you? "
" Yes "
She stopped eye contact with him.
" Listen?" She asked.
" Yes ?"
" Do you have any other girl out there, in Hastipur?"
" No , I don't have any other girl out there " he chuckled
" Okay "
" This piece you are looking at , it's always yours "
She smiled.

" I have to go " he said.
" I should too."
" It's dark , be careful. And yes, don't take risks. Please!"
" Yes yes how many times are you going to tell me this?"
" I have to. Don't be a Safeena "
" What?" She laughed.
" Ofcourse, you take risks, you like danger."
" I won't , I won't " she laughed.
" Alright then "
" Alright. I will go and leave the door open for you "
He sighed
" Are we ready?" He asked
" I don't know "
" I am not "
" But we have no other option "
" I know but -"
" We can't do anything "

She the left the room and he started getting dressed up. He gave a one last look on the map he had drawn on the wall. Carefully revising his steps.
" Let's take you out brother!"
He had a long rope, a dagger , a sneezing herb, the keys and many more things.
He tiptoed out of his room in the middle of the night. Walked straight as a guard hiding his face with a mask.

He walked straight to the kitchen. He entered and immediately closed the door. He removed his mask and kept it in his pocket. He took his rope and started tieing it.
Suddenly he heard a footsteps coming near and near. He quickly threw the rope down through the window and jumped right out. He landed on safely and went towards the prison's backdoor. He had placed the water back in the morning. He first extinguish all the latterns which were outside the doors and near their exit. It became pitch dark very quickly. No guard present there was able to recognise each other. He took advantage of that and ran towards the door.
" Please be open " he prayed and tried to open the door and it opened. His face was lit up.
" Thank you Safeena ." He said to himself and tiptoed in. He saluted the nearby guard as they were not able to see his face.
He walked so casually towards Alfez's cage. There he saw one unexpected guards standing.
" What is he doing there?!" He went towards him and asked him,
" Hey? Are you Minister 's man?"
" Yes and you?"
" Me too. He sent me here to check upon him " he started tricking him.
Alfez recognised his voice and immediately got up.
" Why?"
" Minister plans to get rid of him before he says anything else." Assem started playing his mind games with the guard.
" Is it ?"
" Yes. He is danger to us. He has asked me to get him "
" I will accompany you " the guard said
" No ! If any guards here gets suspicious is very risky for us. You stay here. Keep guarding, no body will notice it's very dark . Once he is dead i will bring him back here and you can say that he died due to natural causes."
" Show me I can believe you "
" Do you remember the man who admitted that he was the one who tried to kill the king? "
" How do you know that?"
" I was there too , remember?"
" Oh it's you! Then take him "
" Thank you " Assem smiled and removed the keys from his pocket and opened his cell. He took Alfez out and once again walked casually.
" How did you do this brother?!"
" I will explain you later. Can you climb?"
" Maybe "

They went towards the back door and tried to open it again
" It's not opening!"
" What?!" Alfez was a little panicked
" It's locked."
" No! How come?"
" I don't know!"
" Now what?! We can't stay here that long."
" Wait wait let me think "
" Assem! "
" We can't go through that side. This is the only way. "
He removed the dagger.
" Hold this."
" I am not going to kill anyone "
" I am not asking you to kill. Just hold it. "
He once again started thinking.
" Assem , someone's coming here "
" Give me that" he took the cloth tied to Alfez's hand and poured some the sneezing herb on it.
As soon as the guard tapped on his shoulder, he put that cloth over his mouth.
He started sneezing loudly , he had tears in his eyes and because of that, he couldn't see or talk properly.
" Should I break the door?"
" No! We will get caught."
" Here use this and go drink some water" he suggested the sneezing guard and even he agreed.

He tried again and again to open the door but it's wasn't working.
" Assem"
" I will do something, wait "
Just then , they heard some noise through the door as if someone was opening it.
" We are dead brother" Alfez said.
" Take the dagger."
" What?"
" If you don't do this we won't get to the other side brother"
" I am not killing anyone"
" We are not killing brother! Just a little hurt okay? Give me that."
He stood there ready to attack . The door opened at once and he almost pounced to attack. But he stopped and took a look at the love of his life standing in front of him.
" It's me!" She went a few steps back
" How are you here?"
" That stupid guard locked it again. I was here so I saw it. "
" Thank you Safeena, god! Thank you"
" Thank you so much" Alfez said too
" Thank me later now hurry up."
" Yes "
Three of them started running at the walls.
" Alfez there is tunnel right when you get to that side okay? It has a metal lid with Jasmine flowers on it okay?"
" Okay "
He threw the rope on the wall. Tied it strong. He told Alfez to go first.
" You go. Can you climb?"
" Yes I will try . My leg hurts a little "
Alfez started climbing up and he helped him. Alfez finally reached on the top.
" I will get down. You are coming with me right? Assem? "
" Yes he is coming. He will be there in a second , you go ahead." Safeena said.
" Okay , I am waiting " he said to Aseem.
Assem turned around to her with his little crying face.
" I --"
" You have to go, you don't have much time. Go fast " she kept looking behind to see if someone was approaching them.
" Safeen--"
" Go "
" Look at me once " he moved her face towards him. He saw her just about to cry.
" Assem , we don't have time for this "
" I know but I can't leave you like this. Come with me ."
" What?" She chuckled.
" Come on "
" You know I can't come right? "
She took his face in her hands and he grabbed her waist.
" I will stay."
" Are you insane ? Do you wish to die?"
" It's okay , I will stay."
" Assem ! Your brother is waiting for you on the other side to come. Who did you do all this for? And you are going to leave him?"
" No , I don't want to leave him or you."
" I understand you but, listen I will be more happy to know that you are alive somewhere happy with your brother rather than watching you die in here. You understand?"
" But what about you?"
" I will be fine "
" No you are lying "
" You will forget me after some days."
" I could never "
" Liar, if I didn't doubt you , you wouldn't even have noticed me."
" It would be impossible not to notice you , princess "
" It not a good time to flirt right now."
" It's always a good time with you "
" Assem "
" Please let me do this, I don't know when I would be able to do this again."
" Then kiss me "
He kissed her so hard until their lips went numb.
" They are coming here. Go !"
" I love you " he said with tears in his eyes.
" I love you too " she said back to him crying in his arms.
" Listen , you must know , I am going to --"
" No stop! Don't tell me where you are going. Don't"
" Why? You should know where I am going so that you can contact me or come to me whenever you want"
" No , don't tell me. Please you shouldn't. let it be a secret."
" The prisoner Alfez is missing!" Someone shouted.
" Go " she said with tears in her eyes .
He was bawling out of tears himself.
" I will be back "
" Don't ever come back, promise me "
" No, I --"
" Run!" She said.
Instead of running he gave her a tight goodbye hug .

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