pick a fight

30 6 16

" Everyone here pick your opponent. Choose wisely with whom you want to fight today. Use of swords is allowed. Let the battle begin." Her grandfather instructed everyone in the practice lesson of today.
Everyone chose their type of swords.
" Who wants to go first?"
" Me" Safeena said.
" Go ahead, choose."
" I want to fight with prince Agastya."
Everyone was amused by her.
" I am honoured princess" he said.
Both came on the ground facing each other fiercely.
" Don't underestimate me." She said looking in his eyes.
" I am not "

As they heard the bell , they began fighting.
She attacked him so much harder than he thought but he defended so much better than she assumed.
" This is for being a fake person here , a liar " Saying this she attacked him harder.
" Why do you hate so much?!"
" Ask yourself that"
" I don't want to fight you like this "
" But I want to"
" Then you left me no choice, princess."

Both of them weren't stopping at nothing. One time she was down and one time he. Their eyes had that revenge fire going on. They were tired, breathing heavily but neither of them were ready to give up. Nobody was winning.

Both of their faces was covered with dust, their clothes were looking good as old . Their hands were swollen and bloody . Everyone kept yelling ' Stop ' but who are they to listen to. It wasn't just a normal fight, it was personal. They had their egos in that. Their anger for each other overflowed there.
" Stop the fight" The teacher yelled but they didn't hear him.
" I said stop" he shouted again.
But still no response.
Her grandfather then himself went into their fight with his sword and knocked the sword from both of them. Both of them went down one after the other huffing.

" What is this?! Both of you !" He yelled.
" Stand up !"
They both stood up.
" What is this?! Safeena? You care to explain me?"
She was still heavily breathing.
" Agastya you?"
He didn't answer as well .
" What's going on you with two? Getting out the frustration you two have on each other here? During practice? Personal matters should be left outside. Everything should be fair here." He scolded.
" You two seriously had something going on there. You would have took each other's life today . I am responsible for you all here. You both have to stop this fight between you both or else both of you are banned from here. "
" I don't like him . He is liar. He shouldn't be here" safeena said
" You don't decide that."
" She is mean , she is always creating problems for me "
" I ? I create problems for you? You hide things and you talk to me like that?"
" First of all you don't know how to talk to someone. Have you heard the word nice by any chance?"
" Agastya!" She yelled
" Shut up both of you! Do you have any shame on yourselves? Fighting in front of me ?!" Grandfather yelled at them .
" Sorry" He said.
" Both of you , listen to me carefully. You both are going to be punished for this now. Take a look at the wounds you have caused each other.
" He deserves that"
" Safeena!" Her grandfather shouted at her .
" Now both of you will clean and bandage each other's wounds as passionately you caused them . Here right now."
" No I am not doing that to him" she said
" I am no interest for that either." He argued
" You have no say in that." Her grandfather told them.
" Maid please Bring the needful."
" Yes your honour"
" I am not doing it grandfather"
" Did I ask you safeena? "
" But!"
" Do you want to leave this?"
" No"
" Then do as I say."

After some time the maid bought some water in two bowls with two clean cloths. She bought some homemade herbs which should be applied on the wounds.

" Give it to them."
" Sit down both of you and start."
" Grandfather?"
" Safeena one more word and see the Consequences."
" Look at their conditions! Stupid people. Are they little now to fight like cats and dogs?" He kept complaining about them to everyone.
" Wipe each other's hands " he ordered.
She took his hand in hers and started rubbing the cloth harshly.
He gave little scream
" Safeena! Be gentle "
" Ofcourse". She said sarcastically.
" Now your turn"
He took her hands and stared into her eyes.
" Now face , faster!"
She moved herself near to him so that she could reach his face.
She stretched her hand and bend a little to reach him . He purposely pulled himself behind so that she had to bend more . She got to know what he was doing so she pulled his shirt and he immediately go too close to her.
She cleaned his face and then so did he. It was a lot awkward than it seemed.
" Good apply bandages , go on "
He applied bandages on her arm where she had a cut .
She then took a bandage and asked him,
" Where are you hurt?" In a straight face
" Here" He showed his hand .
She applied bandages to him.

" Now , I don't want any complaints from you two. Got it?"
" Yes teacher"
" Safeena?"
" Yes "
" Good , go and sit there "

They both sat next to each other in silence.
" What? Are we not talking now?" He said and she didn't respond so then continued.
" It went a little too far"
" Because of you"
" Me?! Okay let's stop here. I don't want to get out of here ." He said.
" Of course, you have some work here apart from this right?"
" I told you before and I am telling you again, don't get involved with me. Stay out of my way , I will stay out of yours . Got it?"
She gave him that challenging look.
" Thank you "

The practice ended and everyone was leaving. Agastya 's friends approached him and started talking.
" Don't get with her, I am warning you." One of his friends said
" She will destroy you. She did the same thing with Saif. And some others" other one spoke
" Who is Saif?" Agastya asked
" He was here but then he got expelled because of her. We actually don't know what happened between them but people talk "
" If you don't know don't talk " He told them.
" Hey , we are just warning you . If you are smart , you will do it."

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