bad news

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" So when are you going to tell her?"
" Tell her?!"
" Ofcourse! why are you acting so shocked?!"
" I am not telling anyone!"
" Alfez! How would she know then?!"
" I don't want her to know"
" What?! Then do what? Keep in mind how much you love her and then marry her off with someone else?"
" No!"
" Then? You have to tell her, or I will."
" No Aseem, don't "
" Then tell her. "
" She won't say yes. She had a lot of bad experiences."
" So? Are you a bad experience?"
" No "
" Then? Stupid."
" Aseem!"
" Just tell her."
He nodded.
" Listen, one more thing."
" Yes?"
" Me and safeena are planning to go to Hastipur to get news. Actually I was going to go alone, but she isn't agreeing to let me go alone."
" But Aseem it's a little dangerous."
" Yes I know, but we need something in our hands right? We have no information on what's going on there."
" I will come with you too."
" Alfez no! You stay here. Something big is happening with you now, you should not leave her alone here."
" But I can't leave you alone too Aseem."
" Alfez, it's alright, we will just go and come back soon."
" But still I can't stay here like that. I need to be with you. What if you need my help?"
" I won't , I just need some information."
" I am still not convinced."
" Let's talk about it later."

" Safeena do you really want to come with me?"
" Aseem don't start again. I have decided that --"
" Fine, I understood. When should we leave then?"
" Tomorrow morning?"
" Alright. I will inform Alfez."

" Alfez, we are going to leave tomorrow."
" Tomorrow? Aseem I don't think so you both should go."
" Why?"
" Because everyone knows you both. It's quite dangerous."
" But then what?"
" I will go."
" Alfez ,you? I don't think so."
" You just want the news right? I will go get it for you."
" But -"
" Look at it this way, I won't be noticed that much as much as you both. I will be quick."
" Alright fine. I will tell her."
" Okay I will leave tomorrow morning." As they were talking, Veera heard them.
" Where are you going?"
" Ah Veera , I need to go to Hastipur to get some information."
" You all are going?"
" No , only me."
" Only you? But you said it's dangerous."
" Not much for me. I will be fine."
She didn't say anything after and walked away.
" Alfez you should think again, I mean, you had your confession to do."
" It's alright Aseem, I don't want you to face anything more. I will get it done and I will be back in two days."
" Okay"

The next morning, Alfez was getting ready to leave.
" I have packed some food for you."
" Thank you so much Veera."
" Be careful."
" Yes don't worry, I will be back before you know it."
She nodded.
" Make Aseem work for you got it?"
She giggled.
" I am serious, make both of them work or else they will put everything on you and go have fun on their own."
She laughed.
" What's so funny?!" Aseem barged in.
" I was warning her about you."
" About me? I am the most nicest person --"
" Stop stop! I told you Veera, make him work."
" I do work."
" We will see that. Veera tell me if he doesn't listen to you. I should get going now."
" Take care brother." He hugged Alfez.
" If you feel any danger, leave . Okay?" Safeena said.
" Yes "
He stopped at the door before going.
" Did you take everything?" Veera asked him.
" I did."
" Be safe."
" Yes."
Veera in her head was thinking that why she was feeling so worried for a man who she met just five- six days ago. The thought of him leaving scared her little. As he was walking away she could sense herself feel things. He went towards his horse , before climbing, he thought for while and started walking back.
She was puzzled to see him coming back to her.
" Did you forget something?"
" No, I want to say -- I wanted to tell you that --"
Aseem started doing hand gestures from veera's back to motivate him to speak up.
" I wanted to tell you that -- you -- you-- take care of yourself." Saying that, he started rushing over his horse. Aseem on her other hand slammed his forehead.
" God Alfez!" He whispered to himself.

As Alfez disappeared into the forest , Veera stayed on the door watching him leave.
" Veera, my princess is hungry, what have you prepared?" Aseem said.
" Aseem! I am not hungry, you are. Take it yourself." Safeena said.
" Why do you have to barge in between!"
" You have become lazy." Safeena commented on him.
" Me and lazy? Have you seen yourself?!"
" How dare you call me lazy? I help her."
" To do what? Giving her some drama to listen while she is working?"
" And you? What you do? You just lie down and walk around like a puppy behind Alfez."
" I help Alfez."
" No , you don't. He does all the work. Right Veera?"
" Don't drag me into your fight. It would take me all day to sort it out."
" But Alfez works more than him right?" Safeena asked her.
" Right?"
" Right. " Veera said.
Safeena teased Aseem.
" Hey! Veera will always take his side. But you, you never take my side."
" What rubbish! I do take your side but not in an argument with me. I always win. "
He mimicked Safeena's last sentence.
" Cut that out "
He mimicked her again.
" Aseem! Stop doing that."
" Both you have have some breakfast here." She handed them their plates.
" Thank you Veera."

After 2 days

Alfez returned from Hastipur at noon.
As soon as Veera heard the horse tappings, she rushed outside with a big smile on her face. Alfez was so charmed to see her welcome him.
" I am back!"
" Good to see you back! How are you? Everything fine?"
" I am okay. But I need to talk to Aseem , where is he?"
" He and safeena went outside for a walk."
" Oh"
" Is something wrong?"
" I don't know what to think, I will talk to him first."
She handed him water as he sat down inside.
" How was your journey?"
" It was good. Was everything alright here? Did they trouble you?"
" No not at all. Everything is good here."
" Any creep troubled you?"
" No no "
" Good."
" Alfez? You look a lot disturbed."
" Veera, it's actually about safeena. I don't know to tell her that's why I want to talk to Aseem first."
Just then Aseem and Safeena entered.
" Alfez!" Aseem was gald to see his brother back. He immediately hugged him.
" Alfez how is everything? Did you get any news?"
" Aseem, actually --"
" Alfez please tell , did you get any information?" Safeena asked.
" Aseem, I need to talk to you. Alone."
" Why? Talk here. I want to know, Alfez please , Aseem tell him please -" safeena was worried.
" Alfez? What's wrong?" Aseem asked him.
" Aseem, please , come out "
" Aseem tell him --"
" Safeena, wait , let me go. I will find out what's going on okay? Stay here."
He went out to him
" Alfez whats going on?"
" I met Agastya there. "
" And?"
" And he said that --"
" Alfez don't stop."
" It's Safeena's father. He is sick. There is no one on the throne right now. The kingdom is very fragile. Shaheen had sent a message to prince Agastya asking him to contact Safeena. Here is the message. I didn't open it. But Agastya told me that everyone is blaming her for her father's health."
He ducked his face.
" Alfez! Man problems don't leave our backs! What should I do Alfez?"
" Firstly we should tell her."
" That's the tough part "
" Should we go there?"
" I will take her if needed."
" Aseem, I will come with you "
" Alfez, if you come then Veera would be alone. And right now you both need each other."
" I can't stay here for my selfish reasons. I need to protect you both."
" And her? You don't want to protect her?"
" I want to protect her too."
" I will go with safeena. Don't you worry about us."
" Aseem I can't leave you alone "
" Alfez, stop worrying about me. You have always done this, everytime you put me first. Now you should think about yourself."
Alfez wasn't convinced.
" Alfez? Let's just tell Safeena first okay ?"
" Okay."

As they entered , safeena rushed towards them.

" Are you boys done ?! Now please tell me !"
" Safeena , I need you calm down first. And listen to me carefully. Okay?"
" Aseem what happened?!"
" This isn't calm Safeena. Relax and just hear me out."
He held her shoulders and looked in her eyes.
" Ah safeena, it's your father, he is sick. The kingdom --"
" What?! Aseem! He is sick?! Let's go. Aseem let's go."
" Let me complete safeena "
He held her back.
" The kingdom is in downfall and Shaheen left a message to Agastya. Look " he handed her the message.
She opened it and started reading.
Aseem waited for her to respond.
" Aseem, there is no one on the throne! She is calling me back, Aseem, let's go please "
" Safeena, Safeena, we are going okay?"
She nodded.
" Let's get our things okay ."
" Yeah yeah things right." She was still processing.
" Alfez, we are leaving."
" Aseem, I still think I should come with you both. I will help you to get in or whatever --"
" Alfez, Alfez, it's alright."
" No, Aseem. I am coming."
" Aseem?" Safeena called him.
" I will be right back."
" Listen , Veera, I am so sorry we have to leave you alone here but I have to go with him. I can't let him go alone , it's dangerous over there. I should go --"
" I know , you don't have to explain everything to me . I understand."
" Would you be okay?"
" Yes"
" But you wouldn't be scared?"
" No "
" Can you too come with us ? No wait don't answer it. You don't have to. It's not fair for me to ask. "
" Alfez, hey, I will be okay here. You take care of them."
" Veera, I am so sorry."
" Why are you sorry? Alfez, come on. You are getting late. "
" Alfez are you sure you are coming?" Aseem asked him again.
" Ah yes, I am -- coming."

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