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" Princess Safeena, you have been called by the majesty."
" Coming " She had a hint of fear in her eyes .
She came out of her and was closing her door.
" We will support you , princess"
Agastya said to her with Salim by his side .
She turned around at them and said ,
" You can't . You both go "
" We have been called too"
" You are ?"
" Yeah"
" Why?"
" We will see that now, let's go " Salim said.
" Safeena , don't worry,  everything will be fine. Don't be nervous." Agastya reassured her .
" I am not nervous. " She denied her nervousness.
" Alright "

She entered the room with two of them by her side. She saw the guy she stabbed already present with his father, minister Hassan. Her grandfather and her father were seated.

" Do you know why you are here Safeena?"
" Yes "
" What did you do ? tell me."
" I - I - . It wasn't my fault! He said bad things to me , he started it , I just didn't know -"
" Safeena , This wasn't the answer to my question."
" I hit him "
" That's not the reason you are here. "
" I stabbed him "
" Good so you know "
" It was my fault, he abused me first! He started it, ask him! What he called me!"
" She is right , your honour, it wasn't her fault. " Agastya said.
" Don't talk in the middle " Grandfather ordered.
" I know everything Safeena, that's not the thing. When he abused you , you could have come to me. Told me about it I would have punished him at that very moment. I would have kicked him out , you know that! "
" I know but -"
" You had a choice Safeena. You choose this yourself. Safeena , fighting and all happens between you all I agree I have no objection to that . If it goes beyond a certain limit then it is something to worry about. But you, safeena , you went against my rules. You stabbed him with your arrow! You misused your weapon. "
" I lost control , and he was being a lot !"
" Safeena look at the hole you made in his hand."
She looked at him. His pissed off father was looking at her.
" My son has been attacked by her your honour. I served you with my everything, and this is how I get paid ? By hurting my son from your own daughter?"
Safeena's father looked very upset.
" Safeena this is not acceptable behaviour at all"
" But you have to tell him something too, he was the one who troubled me in the first place!"
" Safeena I already took care of that. He is evicted . It's your turn "
" Please don't punish her, it wasn't her fault " Agastya interrupted.
" Sorry for interrupting your honour, but we were present there, he said really unacceptable things to her." Salim said.
" I am not punishing her for hitting him back, I am punishing her for misusing her weapon. This is not acceptable. Rules are rules. They apply to everyone equally. There are no emotions here. Now I request you both to be silent." Her grandfather told them.
" Safeena?"
" Yes?" She was scared to hear the next part of the sentence.
" Give me your bow and arrow " He ordered.
She had it on her shoulder like always.
" No! Please! "
" Safeena , you had a choice before you chose to stab him ."
" But give me something else , I do it but don't take this "
" Give your bow and arrow, it's confiscated"
" No please don't "
" Safeena now! Keep it here and go."
" No!"
" If you don't keep it here now, I will burn it in front of you "
She stood silent .
" Give it "
" It wasn't her fault " Agastya pleaded.
" Stop it , both of you out now ! "
" We just-"
" Do you want to get expelled?"
" No "
" Then out now!"
They both had to go out.
" Safeena , faster"
She removed her bow from her shoulder, took her arrows and slowly stepped towards him.
" Keep it down"
She kept it down
" Now you can go . "
" When can I get it back?" She it in a low voice.
" You can go now "
" Tell me please "
" Go and if I see you with any weapon,  I will burn these."
" Don't please"
" Go "
She left the room. She saw Agastya and Salim waiting outside.
" Safeena?"
" Leave me alone " She went on to her way. Both of them looked at her leaving.
" She looks different without her bow hanging on her shoulder " Salim said.
" Yes"
" Safeena wait !"
" Stop talking " She said.

" I will take a look at her." Agastya said.
" She will take it all out on you at once , she hates you . You are the last person she wants to see now ." Salim said.
" That's what I want today."

" Safeena!"
" Listen Agastya, if you don't go now, I will kill you !"
" Fine by me"
" Don't irritate me now , not a good time"
" I am just talking to you. "
" Don't "
" Talk to me "
" I don't want to !" She shouted at him.
They both reached at a balcony. She was breathing louder and biting her lips and looking up and down again and again.
" Crying doesn't make you weak." He said
" I am not crying" she shouted again.
" It's okay , don't hide it "
" I am not hiding anything "
" Liar "
" What's wrong with you?! Huh? Do you want to see me cry? That's what you want?! Listen to me boy, I don't cry . Got it?!" She yelled at him .
He listened everything patiently. She stopped yelling and started looking outside again.
" You know , you see me laugh everyday openly with my friends but I  cry  openly too. I do cry , everyone does. It doesn't say that only weak people cry. I cry when I miss my broth- family " He chose not to talk about his brother.
She watched him talk.
" There is no shame in what you are feeling."
" Don't , just don't do that." Her voice broke.

They both stayed in silence for few minutes.
" You know " she took a pause and continued.
" I am supposed to be the archer but I always end up being the prey."
He looked at her with pity.
" Safeena -"
" I will get going. " She turned around and said,
" Do not follow me ! Got it ?"
" Alright princess "

He then got hold of Shaheen on his way back.
" Hey little princess take care of your sister today!"
" I won't dare to go in her room today"
" Why?" He chuckled
" Oh no , she will just kill me nothing else"
They both laughed.
" But seriously don't go . She will be fine . She always does that. You will see, tomorrow she will be back at being that grumpy young lady again "
" Yeah " They both smiled.
" Wait, did you just called your sister grumpy?"
" No I didn't "
" Haha! I caught you "
" Don't "
" She is a lot grumpy but she is fun " agastya said.
" She is fun?!"
" Yeah "
" Maybe I will see your corpse after some days then . " Shaheen said.
" I hope not " he laughed.

Safeena Where stories live. Discover now