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Both of them were breathing loudly . His body was wrapped around her. They were in the middle of the forest enjoying themselves under the moonlight .

" You owe me new clothes" he said .
She giggled and buried her head in his chest with embarrassment.
" I loved your way " he then said.
" And me ? " She asked.
He took a pause and placed both hands on her shoulder.
" More than anything "
She looked down. She had doubts , she wasn't fully able to trust anyone. But this time she wanted to believe that whatever he is saying is true. He understood the thoughts going on in her head.
" Look at me. " he lifted up her chin.
" Look in my eyes , do you think I am lying ?"
She believed him. His eyes didn't lie. His eyes showed her everything she was looking for. She smiled at him.
" I love you princess but " his face showed worry.
" But ?"
" But are you sure you want to be with me ? I am not the one you think I am."
" What ?"
" What if you regret falling in love with me ? I don't want that for you."
" I won't "
" I can put you in danger, what about your dreams? No I can't do that to you . "
" Agastya what are you talking about?! I don't regret this at all. I am happy that I kissed you . I happy that I love you "
He started smiling and said,
" This is the first time you ever said that you love me. I would never forget this moment "
" Me too "
And then they kissed again and hugged each other tightly.

" We should go before it's sunrise." He said.
" I don't want to go " she said to him while being in his arms.
" So what? Just stay here? " He said .
" Yes "
he laughed at her answer.
" You would really like my home." He said softly.
" Your home?"
" Yeah my home , it's surrounded by a very beautiful forest. It has beautiful flowers everywhere. During sunset it looks epic. And also it has a lot of space to do things we did before. " He smirked.
" You have to take me here." She said.
" I will ."
" Come let's go "
she made a sad face and he laughed.
He put his hand on her shoulder and both of them walked towards the palace.

They both reached inside the palace.
" See you tomorrow " she said
" It's already tomorrow princess " he replied.
They were hit by the daylight as they reached.
" Get rest princess, you must be tried from ripping my clothes"
" Will you stop that?"
" Never, that was the best moment ever for me."
She smiled and said," see you in practice "
" Yes"

After practice, they sat near the lake chatting.

I forgot to mention the rules." Safeena said.
" Rules ?"
" Yes rules , you are with me now so no more flirting"
" That's a tough one " he chuckled.
" Do you have any problem with that?"
" Not a one. But the other girls might have. You know, as I mentioned earlier, I am very hard to resist . " He was proud of himself.
" Then I will break every girl's face who will lay their eyes on you. "
He started laughing
" Why are you laughing? I am not joking "
His immediately stopped smiling and looked at her with his serious eyes.
" It means that now onwards I have to hang a board on my neck saying that I have been taken by the former Princess so henceforth maintain a distance."
" Good idea. " She laughed.
" I was joking! "
" I wasn't " she said.
He chuckled
" You don't have to worry about me princess, you are the one who has my heart. No one else stands a chance with me now. Ever. If it's not you, then it's no one."
She smiled with her cheeks red.
" Same with me too." She said.

He looked a little tense.
" What happened?" She asked him .
" That day, your father got attacked, me and my brother had a fight. Because of that , we parted ways. And then I got to know that he is arrested. I couldn't believe my ears that he had tried to kill the king. Till date , I feel guilty that because of me he is in there. If I hadn't fought with him that day, maybe we would have been together."
" It's not your fault , Agastya. "
" I feel guilty for enjoying my time here when he is locked up in there. It's not about you I promise and I am so sorry for ruining this moment but I --"
" Don't blame yourself, he will be out soon , we will do something."
" I don't know. I shouldn't have dragged you in this. I shouldn't have done anything "
" Stop it Agastya. If you say one more word I will knock you off"

He rested his head on her shoulder and she covered him with her arm.
" We will do something " she said with reassurance.
" Trust me I am trying everything I can. I will do whatever it takes."
" I know "

" Oh look at the newly formed lovely couple here " Minister Hassan interrupted them.
" What do you want now?!" Safeena said in frustration.
" Enemies finally turned into lovers it seems."
" What do you want ?" Agastya said.
" Safeena your father has called you urgently. He had an another attack just now "
" What?! I am going " she said to Agastya.
" Yes "
" Prince Agastya, do you remember that I told you I have seen you earlier"
" Yes "
" It turns out, you were right. You weren't the one I met, it was Alfez Ali. You both look quite similar. Are you two related?"
" There are 7 people in the world that look like us . It can be a coincidence."
" Of course. I caught Alfez Ali, the one who tried to kill our king. There has been another attack today."
" But Alfez is in jail."
" I know. I have news that there is a missing person named Aseem. I have a doubt that this attack was performed by him. "
" Why are you telling me this ?"
" Because I think you know him."
" I don't know any of this you are talking about " agastya replied firmly.
" You bring me him " Hassan ordered him.
" Why do you think I know about That Assem guy ?"
" Because I saw you talking with someone outside our kingdom. And i suppose he was Assem"
" You have got it all wrong."
" If you don't want your relationship with the princess to go to her family, you have to hand me Assem as soon as possible. Or else, you know. See you soon with Assem."
" Why do you even need him?!"
" I want to be rewarded " he left leaving more worries for Agastya.

Safeena and Shaheen were called in their father's room.
" Father are you okay?" Safeena asked.
" Yes I am , but the attacker is on the lose so I want you both girls to be safe . Don't go near the forest. Stay in the palace premises only , you got me ?"
" Yes"
" Do you know who was it ?"
" No but minister Hassan is taking a look into it." Her father replied.
" Why do you let him do this ?" Safeena exclaimed.
" He has a plan Safeena"
" I don't like that man."
" He is useful Safeena. He got us Alfez.
He is going to bring us this one too."
After some talking she left the room.

Safeena was running in the hallway looking for Agastya. She finally found him.
" Hey "
" Is the king okay?" He asked
" Yes he isn't hurt. But something is wrong "
" I know "
" Sooner or later they can question your brother "
He banged his hand on the door.
" Agastya !"
" I have to hurry"
" Hurry?"
" I have a plan to catch the attacker." He said.

Safeena Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon