👀 two 👀

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When Minho came to the door he didn't bother knocking he just barged in.

"WTF! Oh Minho. Hi. What do u need?" Chan said. "First of all. Are we alone? Second of all. Hi I need to talk to u about something." Minho said.

"Yeah there's no one here or the other rooms around. What's up?" Chan said. Minho locked the door and came closer to him. "We have an emergency." Minho started.

"Black tigers are hosting a gala and they invited us..." Minho said. "Okay. Is that a bad thing?" Chan asked.

"Let me finish. The thing is that when we arrive there they will send they're man to attack our fake house." Minho continued. "But that means that they can find the way to our original house." Chan said.

"Exactly. So we can't go there and have to go to the gala." Minho said. "Okay. When is the gala?" Chan asked. "Next week. Saturday." Minho said.

"We'll have meeting later with everyone else so they know what I came up with." Minho said. "Anyways I wanted to ask something." Minho said looking at Chan innocently.

"What is it?" Chan asked. "Well when I came I saw this one boy that works here. I wanna talk to him." Minho said. "And u want me to do what exactly?" Chan looked at him confused. "Call him here and introduce me to him." Minho said simply with a big smile on his face.

"When do u want me to call him here?" Chan said looking uninterested. "After he finishes on the stage." Minho's smile grew even more and with that he left cuz he had a feeling the boy will be doing something he doesn't want to miss.

When he came back to the stage he saw the boy was just finishing dancing on the pole. The boy bowed and got a mic.

"Okay guys the thing u were waiting for all evening is here!" he said with a big smile on his face as the crowd cheered. "Everyone knows what it is but for those who are here for the first time. I'm going to choose one person that I'm going to lap dance on." when he said that Minho's smile widened and his eyes lit up

He had a mask on so no one could recognize him and that's the thing Jisung wanted to see. Someone who's different from every other person there. And when he scanned the crowd his eyes locked with Minho's.

"You! Come up here!" Jisung said pointing at Minho who just became happier by the second. Minho knew he could literally do anything to that boy but the boy didn't know that. But he will soon.

While Minho was walking up on the stage Jisung grabbed the chair that he had there and put it in the center of the stage. Minho was walking up the stairs when Jisung came in front of him and offered him a hand.

Minho gladly accepted it and Jisung guided him to sit on the chair. The second Minho sat down Jisung did a body roll on him. Minho's eyes widened and his smile became to look like he was a maniac. No one knew that of course.

Jisung motioned to start the music and started do the lap dance he had saved for someone special. "Hope u enjoy it. It's the first time I'm using this one on stage." Jisung whispered into Minho's ear.

"Oh I will don't worry cutie." Minho said smirking under his mask. Jisung blushed at the nickname. He didn't blush at the nicknames other man called him then why is he blushing at a simple nickname he got from this guy.

(Forgot to mention this. I don't know shit about lap dancing so just use ur imagination and don't hate me because I don't write what moves he's doing.)

"Are u here for the first time?" Jisung asked. "No. I just don't really pay attention to the other strippers. I usually talk with Felix somewhere in the corner." Minho said. "Oh. So that's why I saw u for the first time today." Jisung said.

"Yeah. I guess I really don't pay attention cuz if I did I would know that u work here." Minho said while finally letting his hands to do what they wanted. Jisung gasped when Minho squeezed his butt.

"What's wrong princess?" Minho asked smirking at the boy sitting on his lap. "Nothing. Just didn't expect that." Jisung said blushing even harder then before.

They talked a bit while Jisung was dancing and Minho touching him where he wanted. The music came to an end and Jisung again offered Minho a hand to take him down from the stage.

"Thank u for the dance it was really really hot." Minho said patting Jisungs shoulder. "It's nothing. After all I can choose who I would dance on." Jisung said smiling. "Well then. See u soon baby boy." Minho said winking at the now a little confused boy. "Bye." Jisung mumbled.

"Han? Boss wants u in his office ASAP." Changbin said in a hurry. "Oh okay. I'll go when I get my coat." Jisung said. "Don't worry about that I got it here." Changbin said. "Okay thanks!" Jisung said getting the coat.

Jisung rushed to his bosses office but stopped in front of the door. He heard some voice's from the inside. One of them was Chan's. The other one was oddly familiar but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

He took a deep breath and knocked. "Come in!" Chan said. Jisung opened the door came in and closed them. "U wanted to see me boss?" Jisung asked his head down. "Come closer Jisung." Chan demanded. Jisung came closer still looking at the floor.

"Don't worry it's not anything bad I just wanted to introduce u to somebody." Chan said with a laugh. Jisung nodded his head still down.

Chan was about to introduce the two when Minho whispered something into his ear. Chan nodded and Minho came closer to the boy. He lifted his chin with his middle finger so Jisung was looking him in the face.

"Hi baby boy. We meet again." Minho said smirking. Jisung's eyes widened because now he could see Minho's face. "What's wrong princess? Did I scare u?" Minho said with a psycho smile.

"Minho don't scare him like that! He does look really confident on stage but he isn't that confident off stage!" Chan scolded. Minho raised his hands up and backed away.

"Boss how do u know him?" Jisung asked. "We met in middle school and were friends since. I don't really talk about any of my friends here." Chan said like nothing happened.

"Boss! I just gave him a fucking lap dance!" Jisung yelled. "I know. He was literally telling me every detail before u came. I thought I would die." Chan said. "Ahhhh! This is so embarrassing." Jisung exclaimed.

Minho was holding in his laugh. "I hate the fact that my mother was best friends with yours." Jisung said a little angrily. "Okay shut up Jisung. I wanted to tell u this. If Minho's here u have to do everything he says and no buts." Chan said.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" Jisung yelled panicked. "Because I could literally buy this whole city if I wanted to and because Chan is my best friend he told me everything he knows about u and I can use that against u if I wanted too. But I won't if u'll listen." Minho said smirking at Jisung.

Jisung knew Chan knew almost everything about him so this means he has no chance against Minho.

"Why would u do that Chan? Why?" Jisung said with tears in his eyes. "Sorry but I know ur in good hands so don't worry." Chan said without a bit of guilt in his voice.

With that Jisung left tears flowing down his face.

Wow this is going to be really interesting.

Anyways how was ur day? I was a little busy today but I still had the time to write this.

Love y'all have a good day/night.

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