Accepting Reality

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(Since the destruction. Efforts were being made to slowly rebuild the city. Mira was going around helping people in the way she felt like was best.
Sadly, metta was in the hospital in critical condition due to the injuries sustained in battle.)

Meanwhile... At a hidden facility hidden on the outskirts of town.

(Inside the building there's a dark room, as a spotlight shines on it. A figure walks into the light wearing a maid outfit.)

(A man hidden in the shadows, spoke, assumed to be some high ranking official.)
???: It is time. Here is your assignment...

(A screen shows a picture of Metta.)

???: Watch him, we need to be sure he doesn't find out any information regarding the accident. Defend him, and keep Vecks' soldiers away.

Tiramisu: Understood. What do I do, if I realize he's caught on?

???: Unlikely in most cases, but if we come to that. Restrain him and Return him to the facility. Memory Wipe will be our final resort.

???: You may feel....close to him... considering... your genes.

Tiramisu: What is that supposed to mean..?

(The dark figure laughs, not answering her question, as tiramisu turns and leaves, as the spotlight shuts off.)

Back at the city.....

(Mira walked around trying to clean up the streets and neighborhoods that were devastated by the attack.)

Mira: I....hope he's okay... that...boy... he's the one who gave me candy... at the store, he was shipped to the hospital.

Mira: He...looked into my eyes...

(Some students from the school saw Mira , waved and asked her a question.)

Kid: Hey...Do you know what's happening..? I heard the attack had something to do with Metta, the class clown!

(Boys and girls laughed, as Mira intervened.)

Mira: He's not a clown! Stop making fun of people who are different from you.

Kid: Sheesh... what's got you so worked up...?

(Mira realizing what she said, found an excuse.)

Mira:'s just so stressful.

(The kids start back conversation, as a lady was sitting in a tree, writing down notes.)

Melecce: Interesting specs... So this is... him from a different line of time.. , and I'm guessing this is who this "Mira" person is...

Melecce: This fight seemed rather educational.... I look forward to whatever comes next.

(The lady on the tree disappears, in an instant, as the branch slightly jolts.)

(Tiramisu walks down a main road , looking around at all of the destruction.)

Tiramisu: More than usual... this must've been something big.

(She walks to the hospital , requesting and eventually finding Metta's room.)

(She is stopped by a doctor.)

Doctor: I'm guessing your family or some relative of the boy..?

Tiramisu: Sure. (she lied.) So , how bad was it..?

Doctor: Not much is known about the boy, but he was being raised by Lisa, who we found deceased sadly. But... he has bruising all over his body... a broken leg , a ruptured organ... and slight breakage with his rib cage.

Doctor: He could be here for a couple of weeks...and the bill would be-

Tiramisu: Money isn't the problem. Though, He may only stay a week.

Doctor: A...week..?! That's not near enough t-

(Tiramisu pulled out a tag, and the doctor immediately recognized the organization.)

Doctor: Understood, we will have him on the best medicines to recover at a faster rate.

Tiramisu: Alright then. Good.

(Tiramisu turns walking into metta's room.)

(Meanwhile , with Mira.)

(She was continuously going through town helping people, but the sun had began to set, so she decides to head home.)

Mira: It looks like I've done all I can for today...time to head back. Maybe I could stop at the st-

(Mira hears a sound coming from a destroyed building , as she chooses to investigate.)

(She looks past a wall to see a boy, punching a wall, with hands that were somewhat bruised.)

Java: It's not enough... It will never be enough.... For him...

Mira: H-Hello..?

(Java turned sharply , then being afraid.)

Java: W-who are you..??! What do you want-..!?

Mira: I just...heard a noise and wanted to see what it was. I'm not a worries, my name is Mira.

(She reached out her hand as a sign of greeting, but he did not return the gesture.)

Java: My name is... Java.... I don't... really...have any friends..

Mira: Really..? That's a bummer.. , it's not good to be by yourself..

Java: Yeeah....

Mira: like to be friends..?

Java: R-really..?
(In mind: I've never been friends with a girl before, I need to keep this hidden from.... Him..)

Mira: Yeah! Of course..!

Java: Thanks... I'd love to...

Mira: Splendid.. well I'll be going now...

(Mira out of gratitude , gave Java a hug.)
(He didn't expect this, as he had blushed.)

Mira: (in mind) I wonder if they will let me visit that boy..., I heard he's in the hospital.

Mira: Welp cya! (Mira runs off, as Java sits there surprised.)

(Back at the hospital , Tiramisu was eying the boy in his room.)

Tiramisu: (in mind) He is in pretty bad shape...though there's....something off about him.

Tiramisu: I have this...strange feeling, they I know him.... And yet... I've never seen him before in my entire life. What did my superior mean , by me being close to him...?

(She lifts up his arm, seeing a band , as it reads "Metta")

Tiramisu: Familiar Name.... Who do I know that has a name like that...?

(Tiramisu peers out the window seeing how dark it is outside.)

Tiramisu: No matter, I will get into it later. For now, I will wait a week during his recovery.

(She sits back down in a chair , next to his bed , as she thinks to herself.)

(This was the new reality for Metta. Lisa was gone...his home...and the life he thought he knew. But all is not doom and gloom, for he is set to make friends who will change his life. The hard part is understanding fatality (Lisa) , and accepting reality.)

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