A Failed Empire , Destruction at every Turn!

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(The Fall of Methais)EP2S1Setting: Planet Methias(1st Vecks Interaction)(There was widespread panic , as a giant explosion goes off in the middle of the city, causing an earthquake and the destruction of the main travel road

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(The Fall of Methais)
Setting: Planet Methias
(1st Vecks Interaction)
(There was widespread panic , as a giant explosion goes off in the middle of the city, causing an earthquake and the destruction of the main travel road. This caused widespread panic and screaming , as fire follows.)

(Methais looks down from a window, watching the destruction of his own city.)

Methais: I must live with this loss. The invader is here because...of my actions.

(Ketra was in the next room , holding Metta in her arms , keeping him very close.)

Ketra: What is the plan...?

Methais: I will  buy you time to escape.... My guess is... Vecks is coming to get rid of all of us...

(Ketra was a little saddened by this, as she inquired.)

Ketra: You... aren't.. coming with us..? She'll kill you, if you stay here.... And I don't want that....

Methais: I know.....but... this is my fault. I think it's fair....i pay the price for my consequences.... I brought this upon us....

(Methais taps a button, as a passage through the floor opens up. Ketra flies through, holding Metta, leaving Methais behind, as he prompted her to leave.)

(There was an explosion at the window, as Vecks appeared.)

Methais: ?!
Mental Picture of the Destruction:

Methais: ?!Mental Picture of the Destruction:

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Vecks: You already know why I'm here....
Methais: It's me you want.... Go ahead , kill me! But leave my family out of this....

Vecks: It's brave of you to give yourself up like that....but I want more than that. I want to truly hurt you, I want your son. The only child. I'll kill him, then finish you and your wife off.

Methais: Never! I'll die before that h-

(Vecks grabs his neck, holding him in the air.)

Vecks: Where have they gone....Tell me now.

Methais: I....wont...tell you..., monster!

(Vecks impales Methais , as she hurls him out of the window.)

Vecks: Alright then... (Vecks spots Ketra flying off, as she dashes towards her.)

Ketra: I'm guessing...she has done away with Methais... I have to find the nearest ship...

(Ketra speeds up, not realizing Vecks is trailing her, but another individual is following them, cloaked.)

(Ketra lands at the nearest site , but was suddenly knocked down by Vecks , dropping Metta.)

Ketra: Urng!

(The baby had started crying , as Vecks picked him up.)

Ketra: !

Vecks: Aww... he has his father's looks. Too bad he won't live long enough to turn out like him...

Ketra: Your going to give me back my son.... (Ketra's hair went over her face , as it darkened.)

Vecks: And if I don't....?

Ketra: I'll kill you. (Ketra's tone was sharp, managing to come off as threatening.)

(A soldier of Vecks walks up , as Vecks hands the soldier the baby.)

Ketra: ....
Vecks: Take him back to HQ.... We will deal with him later....

(The baby started crying , being away from his mother. The soldier , flies off with the boy.)

(This was in fact Ketra's worst nightmare. They took away the last thing she had in her life. Her son. They would soon see the consequence of that...)

(In what seemed to be a flash , Vecks was sent flying.)


(The soldier carrying Metta, was power slammed into the ground, as a dark shadow holds Metta.)

(It was revealed that Ketra was going all out using her abilities , but Vecks played tricks , shooting Ketra in the back with a gun.)

Ketra: ! (She began falling , shielding Metta.)

Ketra: M-me-Tta..... ( she put her hands on his face... looking into his eyes , as tears came out.)

(Metta watched, as the life left Ketra's eyes , they closed slowly while looking at him.)
(She was assumed to be dead.)
(He was able to tell that his mother's presence was gone. This caused him to start crying.)

(Vecks was about to pick up the boy, but a cloaked stranger, grabbed him, and ran in the opposite direction.)

Vecks: Get Her-

(Before Vecks could act , she had realized Ketra set a trap , as an energy landmine explodes.)

(The cloaked stranger was able to get away, due to the circumstances of the previous battle.)

(The stranger pulls up her hood , looking at the baby, causing him to stop crying.)

Lisa:  (in mind) So....cute...! I couldn't let that...monster hurt you... I'm getting you out of here , little guy!

(Lisa jumps into a space pod on the outskirts of the city , setting coordinates for earth and blasting off.)

(As the smoke clears... Vecks realizes the baby is gone.)

Vecks: Damnit... Of course he managed to get away. Though... I might have an idea where he would hide... this planet is trashed anyway...

Vecks: Round up all the others, we're leaving. (She says this to a soldier as she nods running to the others.)

Soldier: Hey boss...! You might wanna see this...!

(Vecks walks over, as a soldier hands her a map containing information about "The Book of Worlds")

Vecks: I wonder where this goes....

(This marks the end of Planet Methais.... And the tragedy which fell upon the family.)


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