Chapter 1: Dropping Into Terror

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The bell rang, singing loudly, cheerfully, signaling the end of the school day

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The bell rang, singing loudly, cheerfully, signaling the end of the school day. As usual everyone ran to their lockers, rushing to get outside, and to get to home, work, or activities. They carelessly walked into each other, oftentimes touching me. I hated feeling anyone touch my back, so I tried my best to avoid everyone.

I quietly tucked my books to my chest, walking forward to my locker, slower than everyone else. By the time I had all my things, most of everyone was gone... all but Vince who continued to eye my quiet, almost gentle, but tense position.

"Hey hey, Y/N, are you interested in going out to get some ice cream?" He called out from his side of the hallway. I sighed, really not in the mood for socialization, especially not from him. "No, Vince. I have told you many times that I'm not interested. In other words, fuck off." I said firmly, continuing down the hallway, leaving behind a frustrated, disappointed Vince, I heard him mutter something under his breath, grumbling angrily.

I got outside, peering out into the hazy, bright, sunny day in Jasper, Nevada. I took a moment to breathe in the warm, fresh air, and the smell of a warm day. I was reminded of the various smells the day and season had to offer.

As usual, as par to the past few months, Miko, Raf, and Jack all went into or on their expensive-looking vehicles, all seemingly driving in the same direction. This time, next to the Green Jeep-looking vehicle, was a smooth, red, white and blue, aerodynamic car with the numbers 38 on its doors.

I hummed, curiously walking forward to study it. Then Miko came up to me. "Hi!" She said excitedly, I mumbled a quiet 'hello' back, continuing my studies on the car sitting next to me.

Must be some new kid's parent's fancy race car, I decided. I turned to look at Miko who was looking at me expectantly. "Uh... what was that?" I asked quietly, gently kicking a pebble with my foot. "I was asking-" She was cut off by her two friends, Raf and Jack. "Leave her alone, can't you see she doesn't want to talk?" Jack said quickly, I quickly knew why he acted that way. Everyone knew I was the grumpiest person at school, so everyone avoided me, truth was... I could be overly rude when I wasn't in a good mood.

And that was fine... for the most part. Sometimes it makes me sad to be classified as that... most of the time it didn't. Most of the boys acted like I was playing 'hard-to-get'... and the other girls were jealous of my attention.
So while I was the grumpiest person at school, I was probably the most lonely yet popular person.

I sighed softly, careful not to touch the car next to me. I didn't want to get in trouble with some snobby kid for getting it dirty. I turned to leave as they continued bickering, when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, way too close to my spine. I jumped shuffling away as fast as possible, and I ended up tripping over Miko's foot, tumbling into the white car next to us. I let out a quiet growl, glaring Miko down.

It was a growl of warning, I was pissed, I don't let anyone or anything touch my back without my permission. "I am so sorry!" She said quickly, lifting out a hand to help me up. I huffed, ignoring it, as I stood up by myself, my knee cracking painfully as I stood up, I winced, leaning on the car.

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