Chapter 33: Dream girl and a Sleepy Dominique

Start from the beginning

"We both..." she stops to think,"really don't ever want to stop hugging each other."

Laughter escapes my lips, blissful.

"We both really have to go to school right now."

" That's unfair."

She pulls away, smirking. " It's a statement and it's true." She simply says, walking ahead of me.


Olivia and I are having a conversation as we near the school gates, passing through the throng of our fellow students. Her eyes start flicking from me to the small crowd of students around us ,as if searching for someone. For a moment I think it's Alicia,her best friend but something tells me that it's not...

One thing's certain, although I said I'm putting yesterday behind us, doesn't mean I'm not going to get to the bottom of it.

Something about Olivia seems off and I can tell it by the way she smiles at me.

Her smile feels more forced, like she's lying about her happiness.

"Look, I've got to go ahead." Olivia says, then," I'll see you after-school, we can meet by the hallway."

Before I can even get a word in, Olivia's off, half running half walking. She's lost through the throng of students and I'm left more confused than I was before...


I step into the green schoolgates alone, my heart feels deflated and the disappointment from yesterday settles in my heart.

A group of my soccer mates waves me over, calling my name loudly.



I flash them a smile, and motion something with my hands that doesn't really make sense but means- I'll talk later.

Normally when I motion that gesture my teammates know that I want to be alone but this time they continue beckoning me.

I decide to pretend like I didn't see them and start walking on.

My plan fails because out of that small rowdy group of soccer boys, Wyatt, a coloured boy with curly brown hair and blonde tips steps out.

He starts running towards me, a broad smile on his face.

When he's finally in front of me, he breathes a little out of breath.

"Don't you see us calling you?" He asks, talking in that loud way he always does.

"Didn't you see what I did with my hands?"

Wyatt waves it off.

Then that broad smile on his face appears, his brown eyes glinting with mischief.

Sometimes he reminds me of Dominique with the way that he smiles.

Dominique has that natural naughty look in the depth of his green eyes but something about it is endearing. I don't know anyone in this entire school who doesn't like Dominique.

Wyatt on the other hand, his brown eyes hold a depth of mischief that whispers sinister.

It's no surprise with the rumours in school that circulate around him.

"I've got some good news for you." He says, placing his hands on my shoulders and shaking me, as if to stir me up for the news.

" What is it?"

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