"Don't beat yourself up. There's nothing anyone could have done," Kenji tried reassuring.

"You could have done the one thing I asked you to do. Then we could have made it to the boat," Darius snapped.

"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't anticipate the new, scarier Fraken dino. My bad," Kenji apologized.

"You said you had everything handled!" Darius shot back, growing angrier at Kenji.

"I did until Ben off the jungle ran off," Kenji defended.

"Hey, I didn't ask you to follow me," Ben defended, "Besides, whether I was here or not, you could have grab have grabbed more than your hair gel."

"Hey, that's not fair. He was worried about you," Yaz said.

"Okay, okay. What we need right now is to come up with a plan," Brooklynn interupted.

"Well, while we wait for the storm to pass, let's do what we can to shore up the perimeter fence," Darius explained, "Just incase."

"We can use some of the rubble to fortify the fence," Kenji suggested.

"Yeah, good idea," Darius said coldly.

We all started rummaging through the rubble, looking for things useful to fortify the fence. I grabbed a few pieces of wood and laid them against the fence. I hissed in pain as a piece of wood slit my palm open. Blood started pouring out. I rolled my eyes before teating off a piece of my already ripped shirt and tying it around my hand, leaving some of my stomach showing.

A loud car horn went off, causing Kenji to fall in fear and me to jump slightly.

"Sorry!" Brooklynn apologized. She lowered a piece of wood and the horn stopped.

"Wait, if the car still has power..." Kenji trailed off as realization hit.

Darius and Kenji took the car battery out and attached it to the fence with some power cables they found. Kenji threw a stuck at the fence, sending sparks flying.

Lighting struck across the sky, causing Bumby and Leia to panic. The two ran off. A howling sound filled the air around us. We all quickly climbed into the tree house, holding different weapons to defend ourselves, and hid. I pulled my hood over my head once more, loaded an arrow, and waited.

We all watched as Parasaurolophuses ran through the forest while the Scorpius pounced at them.

A heavy rain started to fall, which hit the fence and sending sparks.

The Scorpius turned its attention towards us, gurgling. It stalked closer to the fence. I found myself scooting closer to Darius. I brought the arrow back a bit before Darius rested a hand on my arm. He then shook his head before turning his attention back to the Scorpius.

"Maybe it won't see us," Sammy whispered.

Thankfully, the Scorpius didn't hear her. It then rammed into the fence, screeching in pain as it got electrocuted. We all screamed and huddled closer together, clutching our weapons.

The Scorpius reared up on its hind legs, and let out an ear piercing screech. We all screamed and closed our eyes as a bright lighting flash danced across the sky. When we looked, the Scorpius was gone.

"Where'd it go?" Darius asked.

"I don't see it," Ben said nervously.

"Did anyone see where it went?" Sammy asked.

"I don't like hide-and-seek," Yaz said.

"Where is it?" Brooklynn asked.

I heard a clicking noise, tightened my grip on my arrow, and turned around. The Scorpius was in the tree behind us. "BEHIND US!" I yelled. Everyone turned and screamed at the sight of the Scorpius.

It roared at us before jumping down. I fired my arrow, hitting it in the back. The Scorpius ignored the pain and clawed at the others. Ben fell off the tree house and Yaz and I jumped to avoid being hit by the Scorpius's tail. Kenji then fell down and landed into some crates. I helped Yaz up as we ran to help Ben and Kenji.

Lighting struck a tree, setting it ablaze. The Scorpius stopped and stared at it, in a trance. Brooklynn, Darius, and Sammy went down the slide as the Scorpius was distracted.

The tree stopped burning and the Scorpius turned its attention towards us. It jumped down and hit Sammy with its tail.

"No!" Yaz yelled.

"I'm okay," Sammy reassured.

The Scorpius roared at us and I fired another arrow, hitting it in the back again. We then all ran towards the fence, but backed up as we remembered that is was electric. We all then huddled together as the Scorpius stalked closer. Darius put his hands in front of us as the Scorpius screeched at us. We all screamed.

Something roared out in the distance, and the Scorpius took its attention off of us. It screeched before hopping over the fence and running out into the forest. We all fell to our knees, panting and scared from what happened to us.

"W-what happened?" I asked, "Why did it leave?"

"I'm not sure," Darius answered, "Maybe it heard something it wanted more than us?"

"That thing was-" Sammy started but was interrupted by Darius.

"Sammy, are you..." Darius trialed off at the spikes sticking out of Sammy's side.

"Whoa, I didn't even notice that. Don't worry, I'm fine," Sammy said, but Yaz and I rushed forward to catch Sammy as she stumbled, clearly getting dizzy. "R-really, I..." Sammy trailed off as she closed her eyes and passed out.

"Sammy? Sammy!" Yaz exclaimed.


Dun, dun, duuuuuunnn! Cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed! Until next chapter!

Fulcrum out!

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