Chapter 20 - Using Kushida

Start from the beginning

The anticipation of an interesting day fueled my steps as I made my way to class, the unspoken determination echoing in the deliberate click of my heels against the floor. Today, the mystery of Kiyotaka Ayanokoji would be laid bare, one calculated observation at a time.

Kiyotaka POV

Lunchtime had finally arrived, and I found myself scanning the bustling cafeteria, seeking out Kushida, the one I had messaged earlier to join me. The choice of the cafeteria wasn't my typical locale; public spaces often accentuated my solitude, as I'd inevitably be left sitting alone. However, Kushida had insisted on meeting here, so I had no alternative. Amidst the sea of students, a subtle movement caught my attention. Turning around, I discovered both Ai and Sakura standing behind me.

Ai: "Ayanokoji!"

Kiyotaka: "Hello, Hoshino. I assume you're here for what we planned yesterday?" Ai's response was accompanied by a bright and wide smile.

Ai: "Yup!" She winked playfully. "I can't imagine what you want to do with a girl like Kushida."

Kiyotaka: "A little more outgoing than usual, I see."

Ai: "Maybe I'm just feeling a bit more excited than usual. I get to see Ayanokoji in action."

Kiyotaka: "You make it sound as if I'm some mysterious person."

Ai: "Perhaps you are." Her smile somehow widened even more. She then turned to Sakura, speaking her next words. "Sorry, Airi, I have some business to attend to with Ayanokoji."

Kiyotaka: "It shouldn't take long," I interjected, drawing the attention of both girls.

Ai: "Right. So, can you sit where we usually sit?"

Airi: "Alright, Ai." She glanced at me with the smallest smile. "Have fun with Ayanokoji-kun."

As Sakura uttered those words, Ai turned away from me, inexplicably covering her face. A mix of playfulness and embarrassment danced in her expressions. With a light punch to Sakura's shoulder, she spoke again.

Ai: "Shut up. It's nothing like that."

Airi: "Sure," she replied with a knowing smile, and quickly walked off, leaving Ai and me standing there. Ai's eyes, still lingering with a hint of playful embarrassment, met mine.

Kiyotaka: "You both are acting rather strange today." I raise my eyebrow slightly. I had a pretty good idea of what was going on.

Ai: "Ah- It's nothing. I'm sorry if we dis-"

As I turned to walk with Ai, I caught a soft sound behind me, and there was Kushida, her usual smile in place, like it was painted on. But if you looked closer, little things gave away the act. Her lips wavered slightly, her posture felt too perfect, her ring finger twitched here and there, her clothes were almost too flawless, and her eyes, they seemed controlled for that charming effect rather than being genuine. Each nuance, too subtle to notice alone, combined into a dance of hidden emotions.

Kushida: "Hey, Ayanokoji-kun!" Her voice sounded friendly, but underneath, there was a hint of something held back, a restrained tone. Her eyes shifted past me to Ai. "Oh, why is she here?"

Kiyotaka: "She wanted to join us," I said, keeping it casual.

Kushida: "Hmm, well, that's fine, I guess." She squinted her eyes before they returned to normal.

Kiyotaka: "Let's find a quieter spot to chat. Don't want to keep you too long."

Kushida: "You're right," she agreed. I glanced at Ai.

Kiyotaka: "Let's go."

Ai: "Sure, let's do it," she replied, falling into stride with me. We walked through the hallways which were mostly empty, up a flight of stairs and to a familiar elevator.

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