11. "Can I go see him?"

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Double update as promised ☺️


A prince straight out of the fairytale!
A knight in his shining armour!

Min-gyu was the owner of all dreamy titles in Jungkook's heart. He blushed like a tomato when his dreamy person approached him the first time. He was all perfect! He knew what to say, how to say, where to say to make Jungkook float in the air of happiness and love. It was the first time that someone actually asked the so called nerd out.

Things were really going great for the first year. Min-gyu would spoil him with kisses, loving embraces, small weekend dates. He even got him some expensive gifts, but Jungkook's modesty didn't allow him to accept any of the materialistic gifts. He did enjoy the attention though.

On their first anniversary, Min-gyu invited him to his house for a small dinner with the family when he introduced him to his parents. His parents were really welcoming to Jungkook and they had a good time. Next month, they had a movie night along with some of his friends when Min-gyu tried to be intimate with Jungkook for the first time. While their friends were still enjoying the movie, Jungkook's virginity was taken by his boyfriend whom he loved with all his heart. The poor boy didn't feel uncomfortable as Min-gyu made him feel like a soft feather who deserved utmost love and care.

With time, the love turned into obsession and the care got converted to torture. Min-gyu would often take advantage of Jungkook's love for him. He was physically exhausted and mentally broken as he felt nothing more than a sex toy to his boyfriend. Seokjin and Jimin asked him multiple times when they saw him wearing covered clothes and sometimes a scratch would be visible from behind the long sleeves or turtlenecks. But, Jungkook didn't want to bother anyone and he still believed Min-gyu would change for him and their relationship will go back to normal.

After few months, Jungkook started resisting as Min-gyu was nowhere near to repentance, rather, his sexual demands increased more and more. Much to his shock, his boyfriend started blackmailing him with sex tapes where he was completely naked. He threatened to pass it to all people in school making numerous copies of the tapes. Marks by burning cigarettes, scratches by sharp nails covered most of his body, still the poor boy couldn't speak out as he was scared of losing the last shred of dignity he had. His friendship with Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung got distanced due to him being constantly at Min-guy's house whenever his parents were not at home.

The little tutoring sessions he had with Namjoon, were the only times he felt like a normal teenager whose life revolves around studies and fun things. Namjoon's ultra intellectual queries about maths, astronomy and physics would brighten up the tortured boy's day. Seokjin and Jimin tried a lot, but Jungkook was too scared to reveal them the truth as he didn't want to be looked at as a weak object. Yes! Object! That's what his so called perfect boyfriend made him feel like.

(A.N.: You can avoid the next paragraph as it contains too much of triggering content. I have put a mark at the end of the content from where you can resume reading.)

On the day of the incident, when Jungkook was changing in the lockers room of school after a mandatory Physical Education class, Min-gyu groped him by his intimate parts and started forcing himself in the locker room itself which was mostly empty by that time. Jungkook pushed him off and was running out of the place when he was held back by some of the boys that happened to be Min-gyu's friends. He was pinned on the floor by two of them when Min-gyu took off his pants in front of every one and started pushing himself into the boy causing him to bleed. While he was almost collapsing, another boy tore off his shirt and started kissing on his neck and chest from the side. Jungkook's loud screams turned into slow cries now. He was too worn out to produce a loud scream for help.

(A.N.: You can resume reading now.)

Jimin and Taehyung, being always horny for each other, was on their way towards the locker room for a quick make out session.  Hearing some weird sounds, they walked in to find the horror scene as the door was just closed. There was only Jungkook in the room covered haphazardly with his school uniform. The boy was curled up in one corner with his knees folded against his body and crying making a very soft sound. There were blood drops around.

They tried to search for Min-gyu and his friends, but no one was found in the school premises. Due to Jungkook's pleading, they didn't complain anything to the principal yet. When Dong-eun reached, Seokjin explained her everything.

After Jungkook's continuous pleading, Dong-eun held herself back from registering a formal complaint against Min-gyu and his gang as it would grab everyone's attention towards the victim. But she was not a lady to forget or forgive criminals. Min-gyu's parents along with the other boys' parents were informed and none of them spared to give a severe punishment to their children. But those punishments seemed like a drop of water while the pain that their victim went through was deeper than the ocean.

Dong-eun, with support from Sung-hoon, managed to convince Jungkook's grandmother that he would be staying at their house for some time due to group projects and exams where he has to study with his friends. The way she handled the situation made her no less than a mother to the distressed boy. But, the tutoring sessions were cancelled as Dong-eun lied to Namjoon stating Jungkook's poor health and academic pressure.

"Eomma, how is Kookie hyung now? Can I go see him?"
"He is still not well, Joonie. You should not bother him now."
"Okay eomma, I will see him when he is better." Namjoon has grown much matured with time and doesn't nag for anything and Dong-eun didn't want any disturbances for Jungkook so that his mental health heals faster as he would be starting college soon.

I don't know what future holds or what you feel for him, but I hope that if you have ever harboured any feelings for him, you will be able to brush all his pain away someday, Joonie!

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