Astelle paused, catching her breath, and moved toward Theor's bed. The sparkle in his blue eyes mirrored his hopeful anticipation. She knelt beside him, meeting his gaze, and in a measured, calm voice, she addressed him, "Theor, you're not going to the capital. You have to go home with Grandpa."

This request seemed to stem from Theor's repeated statements about wanting to visit the capital, likely triggered by the recent kidnapping incident. Astelle reflected that perhaps Theor had learned about the capital from his encounter with Kaizen in the garden, which might have sparked his fascination with the idea.

Despite Theor's curiosity and excitement, Astelle gently but firmly conveyed the plan, ensuring he understood that his place was to return home with their grandfather.

Astelle knelt down, positioning herself at eye level with Theor, her voice calm and measured as she spoke. "Theor, you won't be going to the capital. Instead, you'll be going home with Grandpa."

Theor's curiosity sparked as he questioned, "Why not?"

Astelle gently explained, "The capital is too far away, and it's not a suitable place for children like you."

Theor's teddy bear became animated in his hands as he waved its arm, his voice slightly hoarse as he mimicked a conversation. "But I wanted to go to the capital too."

Astelle's hand moved soothingly over Theor's head, her touch gentle and reassuring. "If you listen to Grandpa and spend time playing with Blynn at home, I promise to bring you lots of gifts from the capital city."

A smile brightened Theor's face as he eagerly agreed, "Okay!"

Theor's spirits lifted at the mention of the word 'gift.' He settled the teddy bear on his lap and queried, "Can't you get a bear from the capital?"

"That... Hmmm... how about this? Instead of bringing a bear from the capital, I will buy you a teddy bear."

Astelle peered out of the window into a clear, sunny day. Fluffy clouds meandered across the bright sky, casting a gentle warmth over the lush greenery of the garden. The trees, adorned with vibrant green leaves, shimmered in the sunlight.

Observing the serene sky and the vibrant scenery outside, Astelle proposed an idea to lift Theor's mood, "How about a picnic today?"

Near the palace, there existed a forest that served as a hunting ground. It held a special significance, being dedicated solely to the emperor, and thus, entry without permission was strictly prohibited. Despite Kaizen's presence, he had not ventured out for hunting since his arrival. However, Astelle still needed his consent to access the forest.

The mention of a picnic had refreshed Theor's spirits, and he eagerly asked, "Really? Are we going to the forest to play?"

Astelle nodded with a smile, her eyes filled with affection. "Yes, we'll be going to the forest. Go and let Grandpa know as well. I'll head to the kitchen to prepare some snacks."

Theor's excitement reached its peak, and he dashed off to deliver the news to their grandfather. Astelle watched him go, her heart filled with warmth and love.

As Astelle contemplated their upcoming picnic in the forest, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The forest was rarely visited by many people, and she knew that it would be teeming with wild herbs and beautiful wildflowers.

A thought crossed her mind, reminding her of her task. 'I have to gather more herbs and make potions before sending Theor home.'

Astelle had already prepared a sufficient quantity of the potion that could change eye color. However, the Marquis's house was located quite far away, a journey that would take an additional ten days. Aware of the uncertainties that could arise during that time, Astelle decided it would be best to make as many bottles of the potion as possible before sending them away.

She wanted to ensure that everything was thoroughly prepared to avoid any mistakes, especially since she would be entrusting Theor to her elderly grandfather.

With the intention of gathering more herbs from the forest, Astelle knew that she needed to obtain the emperor's permission. Leaving the room, she made her way to the kitchen, which, despite the small size of the annex, was surprisingly spacious and well-equipped.

Astelle took out slices of toasted bread, along with cheese and ham, and proceeded to cut fresh lettuce. With care and precision, she assembled the ingredients to create a simple yet delicious sandwich. The combination of salty cheese, savory ham, and crisp lettuce, sandwiched between soft white bread and drizzled with a sweetened sauce, promised a delightful flavor.

In addition to the sandwiches, Astelle also retrieved the leftover apple pie from breakfast. The golden slices of apple were bathed in a luscious syrup, creating a mouthwatering treat.

As she worked in the kitchen, Astelle couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The act of preparing the food for their picnic brought her a sense of purpose and joy.

Astelle carefully retrieved the picnic basket, placing the necessary tools for gathering herbs inside and covering it with a delicate handkerchief. She then proceeded to wrap the prepared food in paper and neatly arranged it within the basket.

To make the picnic basket complete, she added bottles of milk and lemonade, filling the remaining space. Satisfied with her preparations, Astelle placed the basket on the kitchen table, confident that it was ready for their outing.

With a sense of purpose, Astelle stepped outside and called for the attendant.

"Please inform His Majesty that I would like to take Theor to the nearby forest and kindly request his permission."

As she awaited a response, Astelle couldn't help but feel a flicker of uncertainty. She wondered if the emperor would grant her this request, hoping that he would understand her desire to spend time with Theor in the peaceful surroundings of the forest.

'Surely, he would allow me this much, wouldn't he?'

Hiding the Emperor's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now