Georgia looked over her shoulder at me then back at Ethan. Obviously she's going to be next to get involved. Setting her armful of bags on the makeshift table, she comes over to inspect my work. Ethan, wiping his hands off, joined her.

"I like that open feel this will give. And it will give us more display room," Georgia says, pleased with the results.

"It was the right choice," Ethan agrees with her.

Turning her attention to me, she claps her hands together and raises that perfectly sculpted eyebrow in my direction. "Now! What bug has crawled up your butt, Cole? Mia said you were upset when you left the other day and now Ethan is saying the same. Talk to me!"

Shaking my head, I dropped the sledgehammer a little too close to my foot and realized I am really pissed. Taking a long breath, I look out the window and spot the girls heading into the dress shop. Mia was not with them.

"She's not interested, okay?! I played my cards and lost. I'm out of this," I growled, not explaining myself further.

"Who is she and why would she not be interested?" Georgia turned to Ethan for an explanation.

Ethan chugged down some water. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he filled in the blanks. "Mia turned him down and broke his heart."

"She didn't break my heart!" I yelled at him. "I'd have to be interested and I'm not! I was trying to include her in the opening. It's what you asked me to do. She's not going so she turned me down. No big deal."

The door behind me closed quietly and I watched Georgia and Ethan look behind me. I should have kept my mouth shut. I should have known that Georgia was going to ask Mia to join her on this little visit.

Ethan shook his head, knowing I just screwed up, I didn't want to look behind me. I didn't want to see the anger or hurt or whatever on her face. Maybe she doesn't care about the date but there isn't a woman I know who likes people talking about them.

"I've got work to do," without looking at any of them, I stomp out of the building. I just messed up again.


Putting away my new clothes, Chance is napping in the portable crib and I have five minutes to myself. It has been a busy and crazy week, month, and year. I'm thrilled to be married to Beckett and even happier that we have started our family.

Stretching my back, I get a bottle of water from the mini fridge and drink as I watch Chance sleep. He looks so peaceful, his hands in little fists next to head as he begins to make sucking motions with his mouth. I could watch him all day.

Yawning, I stretch again and finish my water. As much as I love living in this big rambling house with the family, I can't wait to move into our house. To finally get back to our own place that is just for us.

Beckett and the boys have been working on finishing up the final work on it. The structure is sound, all the little upgrades and special add-ins that Beckett put in are wonderful. I just want to get into it so we can move forward.

Ever since this whole mess with Lindsey began, we've been out of sorts. We haven't stopped living or moving forward exactly but it feels like we put so much on hold because of her. I'm tired of waiting.

I can't complain. I won't. My life is everything that I wanted. I couldn't imagine having a two year old and being pregnant again. Poor Quinn has her hands full. I know she's happy and Leo is beside himself. He's such a good daddy to Hope.

Just like Beckett is amazing with Chance. I know Beckett is going to all the little boy things with him. From teaching him to play ball to how to treat a lady respectfully. I have no doubt that Beckett will do all of it and more.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I close the bedroom door and put my phone on the charger. It won't hurt anything if I lay down and watch Chance sleep for a few minutes.

"Why am I so tired all of sudden?" I yawn again, looking at the clock. "Daddy won't be home for a while. I guess it won't hurt anything to lay down."

Taking advantage of the quiet, I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I haven't had the luxury of a nap since Chance was born. I figure the house will be noisy again soon, so if I want a couple minutes of peace now is it.

Every inch of my body feels heavy. I'm just so exhausted. It's not like me to get tired in the middle of the day. Even when I was pregnant I wasn't this tired. Maybe everything is just catching up with me. That has to be it.

Closing my heavy eyes, I don't think my head was on the pillow for five minutes before I was out. I didn't hear the front door open and close. I didn't hear anyone come into the house. I was so dead to the world, I doubt I would have felt an earthquake.

"Aubrey, baby? Aubrey, wake up," Beckett nudges me awake.

My eyes flutter open and close again as if I haven't slept in a month. Where am I? Looking around the room I have to remind myself that I'm in Georgia's house. Why am I so disoriented?

I didn't mean to fall asleep. I just wanted to rest for a minute. Was I really that worn out that I slept this hard? Wow! I guess kids really do wear you out.

"Aubrey? Baby are you okay?" Beckett looks worried at me.

"Hi, huh? Oh, I'm fine. I didn't mean to fall asleep. What time is it?" Sitting up, I rub my sleepy eyes.

"It's after five. Are you feeling okay? You don't normally sleep in the middle of the day." Beckett sat next to me and brushed the hair from my face.

"I'm fine, I was just tired, I guess." Five o'clock, I was asleep for three hours. That never happens.

Beckett looks past me at the crib, "Where's Chance? Did Ma come get him so you could rest?"

What? Spinning around, I look at the empty crib and stomach sunk. My heart began to race, as I jumped to my feet. "No, he..." I wondered for a moment if Georgia did come to take him. No, she wouldn't do that without waking me. "He was here..."

Standing up, my head spun and I grabbed the dresser for balance. "He was asleep in the crib. Beckett, he was here when I fell asleep. He was right there!"

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