He did say I can borrow some of his soldiers if I wanted to... He rubbed his chin with exhaustion. He went ahead and laid back down on his bed in pain, he placed his cane against his bed and covered himself with his blanket. A stiff yawn escaped from him. "I'll get some rest first..." The hard part is over. Project restoration is complete and it only took two weeks.

Perhaps it could have been finished sooner if he wasn't busy making elixirs. His body contains around 4,800ml of blood. The fact that he's taken out 2,500ml of blood daily for these past two weeks is suicide, anyone would call him a maniac. Luckily, he's able to work through things. Regeneration is an amazing thing.

"Four boxes. That sounds like a good amount for Patriot's group to receive monthly. That's one hundred elixirs. And they have quite a large group as well." He muttered to himself with a smile. "If I sleep all day tomorrow I won't be surprised." He chuckled weakly. A strained smile was on his face as he realized he was about to black out. His own body is breaking down on him, forcing him to rest. He took off his glasses and his eyes were forced shut as everything felt heavy.

*Clack* *Clack* *Clack*

His glasses fall on the ground and his hand goes limp, hanging off the bed.


"Arts sure is interesting."

Originium Arts or Arts is the primary ability of the world of Terra. Essentially you manipulate matter and transform it to create energy. However...

"The mysterious mineral known as Originium is required to use arts from what I'm understanding. Originium is the main energy source of this world. Compared to Earth where we use natural resources."

It's interesting learning the differences between his world compared to Terra. Originium in this case is a magic system. After the events of a catastrophe, Originium is formed and thus gets used.

"However...the widespread disease in Terra is caused by Originium itself. Oripathy, as dubbed,  clings on living beings due to direct contact or a prolonged state of exposure to Originium. That includes coming in contact with Originium particles from raw sources. Said sources can be Originium shards, ingots, and the air itself. Infection at best will start in a few days after continuous exposure. People known to have Oripathy are labeled as the infected..."

"To tell how one is infected, various signs will be shown. Hardened skin will turn black like a scab. They also suffer from internal burns after a few days. Not to mention the black spots previously mentioned will continue to develop as the skin hardens more and more, resulting in crystallization. Crystallization will leave parts of the skin to look just like Originium shards. You become a walking uncontrollable disease carrying cancer as a comparison."

"Oripathy also does an interesting thing where it increases the power of arts. However, it does so in a dangerous way. It's depressing, the more you come to use your Arts, the more you increase the infection process. You're killing yourself faster."

"Uninfected may also be able to use Arts...but the process required is to have artificial Originium devices."

He stopped writing in his journal about the information he had collected. He closed his journal and put his pencil on top of it. He heard the sound of his door clicking as it was then opened.


He looked over and there stood in his doorway was a little girl. Six years old, same age as him to be exact. She wore a standardized maid uniform that was a short sleeve black dress, black shoes, a white apron, white wrist cuffs, and black ribbons as her hair was tied into short twintails.

The Light Over The Horizon [Arknights]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora