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Alaric squeezed her eyes shut listening to Finnick and Juni's screams when she felt a bunch of heat near her face. "Keep moving!" Gale yelled Peeta grabbed Alaric's arm pulling her up. In that moment Alaric was pulled back into reality they were dead and she needed to move on weather she wanted to or not.

Alaric hurried to her feet and began running, Alaric covered her ears the sound of gunshots ringing. Alaric turned over to make that Peeta was okay.

The group continued movie losing some in process. "Peeta!" Alaric yelled running over to the man who was on his knees hitting himself on the head. "We need to keep going please!" Alaric begged trying to get the man back on his feet.

"Leave me! I'm a mutt!" Peeta shouted, Alaric grabbed Peeta pulling him up to face her. "We need to go please." Alaric begged her voice breaking. "You need to stay with me okay?"

"Okay." Peeta nodded following Alaric. "I know where we are!" Cressida announced "I know a place. Up those stairs."

Peeta held onto Alaric's hand as they ran. Alaric paused for a moment staring at the screen. "Finnick Odair Wanted!" Alaric shook her head and followed after Cressida.

Cressida began pounding on the door. "Where the hell are we?" Alaric asked breathing heavily as the door opened.

"Shut the door, shut the door!" Cressida demanded running into the room. Alaric pulled out her sword and held it to the woman's throat as Katniss aimed her bow and arrow at the tiger like woman.

"No, no, no Katniss, Alaric, it's okay." Cressida reassured, "it's okay." Cressida walked closer to the woman. "Tigris do you remember me? I'm with Plutarch's underground. We need your help."

Alaric stared at the woman a little confused as to why she looked the way she did. Tigris turned to Alaric tilting her head before walking forward. The Barlow woman followed Tigris into the back of the room, "I know you." Katniss stated, causing Tigris to look up at her. "You were a stylist in the Games."

"Until Snow decided I wasn't pretty enough anymore." Tigris spoke before being her attention to Alaric. The Barlow woman couldn't feel any less uncomfortable at this moments.

"What's your name?" Tigris asked narrowing her eyes at the 17 year old. "Alaric." Alaric stated no emotion in her voice. "Alaric Barlow, we're here to kill Snow."

"I take it you found out." Tigris stated, Alaric felt her heart drop, the only people that knew about Alaric's relation to President Snow was Peeta and the only other people that knew were dead so everyone in that room stared at Alaric confused.

"Did you know her?" Alaric questioned, she didn't understand why Amaya Barlow was such an important person but she did know that without even meeting that woman she hated Amaya with everything inside of her.

"How do you think she made it to the districts?" Tigris smiled before opening the bunker. Alaric took a breath walking down the stairs feeling completely exhausted.

Alaric sat in the cave with August by the fire. "So you're an only child?" August asked taking his jacket off and putting it on the girls shoulders. "My dad wanted another one but my mom didn't." Alaric mumbled feeling a small sense of comfort in the boys jacket.

"I have a brother." August stated a small frown on his face "he's only ten."

"You said your parents are dead. So where is he?" Alaric asked suddenly worried for the young boys safety.

"I told him to hide when I got reaped." August mumbled giving Alaric a knowing look. Alaric only nodded realizing that the capital was listening to their entire conversation. "If you make it-"

Can't Pretend: Peeta MellarkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora