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The moment that Alaric had found Juni Allard she made it her mission to make sure that the young boy would never be alone again. She swore she would be his protector until her death.

"God damnit Juni!" Alaric yelled kneeling down to the boy who sat on a bench blood coming from- Alaric couldn't even tell where the blood was coming from and that was what worried her the most.

"What did you do?" Alaric sighed forcing Juni's chin up to look at her trying to find out where the blood was coming from, "get off of me Alaric." Juni groaned pushing Alarics hands off of him the smell of alcohol reeking off of the boy.

The peacekeeper cleared his throat giving Alaric a look. "Oh shove it up your ass." Alaric glared handing the peacekeeper a bunch of money.

The peacekeeper only smirked putting the money in his pocket before taking the hand cuffs off of the boy and walking away.

"What the hell Juni you said you wouldn't get into trouble." Alaric scowled looking at the boy in disapproval but mostly concern. "They killed him." Juni whispered staring at the ground in disgust. "You saw it didn't you? Everyone did." Juni scoffed

Alaric dropped her head, the man that the peacekeepers had killed was Juni's boss. "Juni you can't keep picking fights from the peacekeepers." Alaric sighed rubbing the boys knee.

"Why not? I'll just bribe them like I always do." Juni scoffed the reek of weed and alcohol very noticeable. "I have money to last a literal lifetime Alaric." Juni glared one of his eyes red from blood.

"Come on." Alaric demanded pulling the boy who only groaned feeling completely exhausted. Alaric wrapped his arm over her shoulder letting out a sigh of disbelief.

When the two arrived home Alaric made him go to the bathroom. "I want you to tell me what actaully happened." Alaric whispered sitting him down on a small step stool.

"I was watching the speeches and then I heard him whistl-fuck! Alaric!" Juni groaned dropping his head in pain. "Shit I'm sorry." Alaric apologized wiping the blood from his nose.

"I tried to stop them from killing him and then they punched me and I-don't really remember what happened after that." Juni finished his eyes looking completely lifeless, "I want you to take a shower and get some rest okay buddy." Alaric sighed giving the boy a kiss on the head and standing up giving the boy some privacy.

That night that Alaric Barlow and August Allard spend in the cave August had told Alaric about his brother, how hot headed he was, how dumb he could be, and even how easily the boy could get attached to people.

"God damnit Juni." Alaric whispered to herself running a hand through her hair. She didn't know what to do. Alaric had no real say in what that boy did and how he spent his money.

Alaric was still a teenager herself she didn't know how to handle a situation like this but it didn't matter.

She had to know how to handle it. That boy had no other family other than August Allard. So Alaric had to learn how to handle a situation like this because that boy was her responsibility.

Time does not stop it moves, it compels, it forces us forward. Time made Alaric into her future, but it was her past she's moving forward.

She'd both cling to it and strive for it, she didn't want to, but she felt she couldn't bare to just leave. Alaric felt stuck, there was an obstacle, she pushed, she shoved, she heaved.

But it would not budge, because she didn't want it to she pushed, but she feared what will happen if it didn't move. Alaric wasn't sure if she could handle that reality, not sure she could leave without it.

Can't Pretend: Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now