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Juni stood in the medical room staring at Alaric who had an oxygen mask over her mouth breathing shallowly. The boy's hand shook slightly every few seconds making sure she was breathing.

He couldn't lose another person, he couldn't keep doing it, it was all becoming to much to bear.

"I don't understand." A voice spoke causing the boy to turn around slightly when he was met with Finnick Odair. "Other than the stab it doesn't look like he did anything to her why ask for her and then give her back like she's worth nothing?" Finnick asked running a hand through his hair worried.

"I stopped questioning the things Snow does a long time ago." Juni mumbled bringing his attention back to Alaric.

"I think when Alaric wakes up, we need to tell her what's wrong with Peeta. And you need to tell her the truth." Finnick demanded, making Juni look up at the man in shock. "You promised." Juni glared narrowing his eyes at Finnick.

"I'm not saying I'll tell her, Jun you have the right to tell her or not but I'm saying that she could help you." Finnick explained shaking his head. "If I have time." Juni mumbled rolling his eyes before all the machines began beeping and Alaric's body began shaking.

"Ric." Juni said in shock walking closer to the woman whose entire body was shaking violently. "Doctor!" Juni yelled his eyes wide as he stepped back not knowing what to do, all he could do was watch as multiple doctors rushed into the room overwhelming the boy.

It took hours before the doctors were able to tell Juni and Katniss that Alaric was okay. Juni sat on the chair hiding his head in his hands while Katniss watched sympathetically. "She's okay." Katniss whispered reassuringly.

"She sacrificed herself to save me." Juni whispered staring at the floor. "I don't even wanna think of what Snow did to her." The boy sighed rubbing his eyes. "They did all sorts ff tests on her Jun." Katniss stated before she began fidgeting with her hands. "What?" Juni asked looking up at the woman. "Katniss what are you not telling me?"

"Nothing." Katniss lied before she felt the wind leave her lungs as her body was pushed on the wall. "Tell me." Juni said in a threatening tone his eyes darkening as Katniss's eyes went wide staring at the once sweet boy now holding a knife to her throat. This was the second time someone she cared about had hurt her.

"Snow did something to her. It made her have a bunch of mini strokes." Katniss explained her eyes wide staring at the knife. "They don't know if she'll wake up."

Juni pulled away from the woman his eyes wide in shock not knowing what to do nor say. "I'm sorry." Katniss whispered as the boy backed away slowly before he began running down the hall leaving Katniss alone. The woman let out a sigh knowing it was no use to follow Juni.

Juni ran. He didn't know where her was running to but he couldn't be even in the same hallway as Alaric in this moment. It was all too much for the 15 year old to handle. The boy slammed the door to his room his hands shaking violently.

"Fuck!" Juni screamed flipping the table over the sound of plates and cups breaking echoing the room. The boy felt like the room was closing in on him. He put his fingers to his hair tugging on it his hands gripping his hair to the point his nails were digging into hud palms.

His breathing was hard. Really hard. As if she had just run a Marathon. he cried harder, his chest growing tight as a lump rose in his throat. Juni felt his back hit the wall as he slid down to the floor his knees to his chest.

A few minutes passed and the boy had not left the floor.  "Jun?" Johana asked opening the door slowly before her heart dropped. Johana kneeled down to the boy whose entire body was shaking, "what happened?" Johana asked her eyes wide looking as if she was going to kill someone.

Can't Pretend: Peeta MellarkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum