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President Coin requested-more like demanded Alaric to go to the dinning hall for dinner from now on.

"Effie?" Alaric whispered running over to the woman. "Oh hello my shooting star." Effie smiled wrapping her arms around Alaric. "May you need a hair wash." Effie stated moving Alaric's hair over her shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" Katniss asked running to hug the older woman. "I'm a political refugee." Effie explained

"Heavensbee got you?" Alaric asked, "the three of us were in the dark." Effie started "now I'm condemned to this life of jumpsuits."

"Can you believe this place? I miss coffee, I never knew anyplace could be so strict, I mean, I thought at least in the higher ranks there be side action. I miss my wigs." Effie complained like a five year old.

"Luckily, I remembered this was all the rage when I was coming up. You know everything old can be made new again. Like democracy, which brings me to this."

Effie handed the two woman each a binder, "Cinna." Katniss whispered staring at the designs. "He's dead, isn't he?"

"Yes, dear." Effie sighed sadly as Alaric opened her binder. "He made Plutarch promise not to show you this until you both decided to be The Mockingjay and The Jabberjay on your own,"

"I didn't decided anything." Alaric remarked letting out a scoff. "I don't really don't think The Mockingjay needs a sidekick."

Katniss looked up at Alaric giving her a pleading look. "Whatever." Alaric sighed flipping the page. "He knew the risks as we all do. He believed in this revolution." Effie continued "he believed in you both of you."

Alaric stared at the page running her hand across the design, The red leather and silver breastplate made Alaric smile slightly as she looked at the rest of the design.

Fingerless ripped gloves, a sword holder, chest armor, arm leg guard, a leather shoulder cover, leather tight rider leggings, leg harness garter,a leather armelt, ankle boots and her favorite  a red cape coat.

"They have it." Effie announced holding both girls hands. "They have the mockingjay and jabberjay outfits. There's not much of a prep team here in 13 but we will make you both the best dressed rebels in history."

"I always loved Cina's taste." Alaric mumbled standing up.

Anger may be due to fearness, Where fearness is a fatal of health. Anger could be due to failure,Where failure to be rectifyed.

Anger is a waste of blood, where blood is wealth of health. Anger devastes the happiness, where happiness lead by success. It had splited many family, where family is like a vintage.

Anger is a selfishness, where selfishness devastes her life. Anger may disturb her creativity, and Alaric was okay with that. She was okay with being selfish, she was okay with losing her family, she didn't care anymore.

Alaric stood next to Katniss, the two looked completely different and that made them fit perfectly together.

"Cinna's final touch." Effie smiled putting the mockingjay pin on Katniss before turning Alaric. "Cinna said this reminded him of you. The Helm of Awe." Effie explained placing the gear on Alaric's forehead.

"Everyone's either gonna wanna kiss you, kill you, or be you." Effie grinned walking off.

"Okay. Let's bring up the setting." Heavensbee spoke, "little wind. Okay, Katniss, Alaric, we're gonna start you down on one knee. And as you rise up, you both will hold your flags in the air and deliver your lines. And remember you've just stormed the outskirts of the Capital."

Can't Pretend: Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now