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"I'll add that to the list of words to try and figure you out." Peeta said raising his voice causing Finnick and Juni to wake up. "I'm sorry. I just can't tell what's real and what's made up anymore."

"Just ask." Finnick spoke up. "That's what Annie does."

"Ask who?" Peeta scoffed, "I always ask Jun when I'm having an episode." Alaric stated "you ask the people around you,"

Peeta looked in Katniss' direction. "Your favorite color is green. Is that real?" Peeta asked

"Yeah. It's real." Katniss nodded turning her attention to Alaric. "Yours is orange, Juni''s is yellow, Alaric's is red, Finnicks is blue."

Peeta nodded. "Thank you." "You're a painter." Katniss continued. "You're a baker. You did a tattoo like thing on Alaric arm. You sleep with the windows open. Never take sugar in your tea. You always double knot your shoe laces."Alaric watched Katniss in pitty. "You were right. I can't do this."

"Nothing changed with you." Peeta told Alaric. "My memories I remember drawing it and you telling me how much your grandma loved white roses real?"

"Real." Alaric nodded slowly "you almost died in the games and I wanted to hug you but I couldn't. Real?" Peeta asked

"Well love I was kinda dead so I don't know." Alaric laughed softly, "real." Juni said from a corner.

"You killed the peacekeepers because they hurt me." Peeta stated turning his attention to Juni. "Real?"

"Real." Juni mumbled dropping his head on the wall feeling completely exhausted.

"Listen up." Boggs got the unit's attention earlier that morning. "Mag's empty. It's only for the propo."
He gave Peeta the gun as Alaric watched her hands ready to do whatever she needed to to protect Peeta.

"Let's move. Headed five blocks north." Peeta looked over at Alaric and Juni as they walked together. "They trust me only with you?" Peeta asked "they don't trust me either." Juni mumbled "I killed three guards when I got here

"They trust you both because they're afraid of me." Alaric stated keeping her eyes at the road ahead of her.

"To the citizens of The Capitol, our war is not with you." Finnick read from the paper, having Peeta repeat it back to him. "You will be a vital part of the democracy that follows our victory."
"You will be a vital part of the democracy that follows our victory." Peeta repeated.

"Boggs." Jackson called to stop him. "This is a good spot. Through there at the court yard."
"Okay." Boggs confirmed, they walked down the narrow steps together.

"We got a pod." Boggs spoke up as the Halo started to beep loudly. "Split. Take cover."
Alaric went to one side, kneeling behind Katniss as the groups lined up, shielded behind the wall. Boggs tossed a rock down the alley way, loud gun fire going off as he did so.

Juni closed his eyes feeling as if his whole body was on fire.

"I don't know where they are!" Juni screamed as the doctors placed the two machine pieces on his head sending electricity through his entire body.

"Jun?" Finnick whispered grabbing his shoulders in worry as he squeezed his eyes tightly, breathing heavy.

They stood up after Boggs began to order them off, Juni stayed with Finnick feeling as if he had gone through that electro shock therapy again.

Alaric rushed over to Peeta as he cried and held his face. Her left foot sunk into the ground, a loud boom echoing from feet away.

"Boggs!" Jackson called out in a panic. Alaric stared at the scene her eyes wide. "He's gone." Gale whispered.

Can't Pretend: Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now