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Her back hit a thick branch and she groan in pain. My Lord are you okay?" George exclaimed from below. Ashton groaned and made the mistake of turning to her side. she fell off the branch and landed on the ground after hitting so many smaller branches. George ran to meet her "Oh God, you should have allowed us to go up sir"

Ashton grunted and slowly sat up. her hands were covered in bruises "I am fine George do not worry" she said in a strain voice.

"I am impressed" Isla spoke drawing their attention. She walked towards them with her arms folded and a satisfied look on her face "I did not expect you to actually fall off a tree just to please me Lord Ashton" she stopped right in front of him and crouch down until she was staring into Ashton's eyes. Ashton's heart was beating uncontrollably as her face neared his. She leaned closer and Ashton thought she was going to kiss her, but then she took the mango fruit from Ashton that she had unconsciously been clutching tightly. She smirked at a dumbfounded Ashton "thank you" she said and walked off.

"My Lord should I call a doctor?" George asked in concern. He had been watching carefully to see if Ashton was okay.

"No it is fine George" Ashton assured "a doctor will not be needed. Please go back to work, I will be fine"

George reluctantly obeyed and left Ashton alone. Once alone, Ashton heaved a tired sigh and lay back down on the dirty ground without a care. "The things you do for love Ashton" she muttered to herself staring up at the tree.

"Ashton!" Theodore called rushing out from the back door. Ashton craned her neck from the position she was lying to stare at him. Theodore stopped short when he saw Ashton on the floor and he frown at her "what are you doing on the floor Ashton?"

Ashton sat up "I was having a chat with nature" Ashton sarcastically replied before standing up "what is it?" she asked dusting off the dirt from her body.

Theodore finally remembered why he was looking for Ashton "Lady Fiona is here to see you. God Ashton, you did not tell me that she is beautiful beyond measures. Why did you not tell me that she looks like an angel on earth?"

Ashton was not listening, instead he frown at the information. Why is Lady Fiona here to see her? They have already done everything that involved her engagement to Lucas.

"I have no idea why she is here" Ashton said recalling how angry Isla was when she saw Fiona the last time Fiona was here. He did not want that to happen again "I will go see her"

"Wait Ashton" Theodore stopped him "is something going on between you two?"

Ashton raised a brow in question "I do not understand what you mean Theodore"

"I mean, you are always around her. Are you finally giving up on lady Isla?" Theodore sounded hopeful as usual.

"Nothing is going on between Lady Fiona and me Theo. She is more of a friend to me nothing more"

Theodore was not convinced "are you sure? She keeps showing up in your life"

"I am sure Theo. I have to go see her before Isla does" Ashton walked away mostly to avoid more questions. She knew Theodore wanted her to give up on Isla at all cost, but why would he think that there was anything going on between her and Lady Fiona. Ashton barely even knew her.

Fiona was seated in the living room with a leather bag in her hand. She stood up with a delighted smile at the sight of Ashton. Ashton was glad at her appearance, she looks better than the first time Ashton met her. She actually looks free.

"Lady Fiona, what a delightful surprise. What brings you here?"

"Hello Lord Ashton," she shyly replied "I was not able to return your coat the last time we met due to the unfortunate circumstances at that time, so I brought it now" she handed the leather bag to Ashton.

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