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"Good morning everyone!" Isla greeted cheerfully as she joined everyone at the breakfast table that morning. Turns out she was the last to get there.

Everyone stared at her a bit surprised at her cheerfulness, but Ashton had a bright smile directed at her.

"Good morning Isla. Did you sleep well?" Ashton asked innocently.

Isla smirked as she took her seat right across Ashton, "believe me I slept marvelously. I am assuming you did too"

Ashton blushed slightly at the memories of last night "y-yes I slept well" she replied.

Isla could not help studying Ashton in her usual flimsy dress shirt with a small dark brown cost jacket over it. Was her brown hair always that shiny looking?

Slowly, Ashton pushed a half full bowl of sweet corn in Isla's direction, "I-I noticed you really liked it so I saved some for you."

Ashton was acting all shy and flustered like she didn't just kiss her last night like Isla was her source of life. Actually Isla was worst with her self control. It took a lot of effort before she finally stopped and returned to her room. Even right now she wanted to jump over the table to Ashton and rip all her clothes off.

"Do you not like it? I noticed you are always giving me your share" Isla said as she took a single piece, slowly dipping it into her mouth. Ashton watched the action like someone possessed.

She rubbed the back of her neck nervously, her face red from shyness.

Why is she so cute.

"I do like it, it's just that I thought you might like it more than I do"

And she is so sweet too, not to speak of beautiful. How did Isla get so lucky?

Isla dip a piece of bread into her chicken soup and held it out to Ashton, "here have some of my food as well." She might as well try to be sweet too.

"You do not have to Isla." Ashton protested.

Isla glared at her "come on take it! My arms hurt already."

Ashton raised her hand to take it, but Isla quickly drew it back, "no no, lean forward, I will feed it to you" Isla laughed internally, she didn't know she was this romantic. Well, Ashton surely brings out the best of her.

Shocked and flustered, Ashton looked around the table and everyone pretended like they were not watching the strange drama going in between them.

"B-but Isla__" Ashton tried to protest still concious of Isla's parents.

"Ashton I will shove it in your mouth myself if you don't come closer"

Having no other choice, Ashton leaned forward and Isla fed her the bread. Her breathing stopped when she felt Ashton's tongue brush over her finger lightly. Isla was instantly aroused. This was a bad idea.

"Now that's a good boy." She praised pushing aside her unholy feelings. "Is it not delicious?"

Ashton chewed slowly with her head lowered tying to hide her blush and embarrassment. "It is" she mumbled.

"Here have some fruits too." She stretch out a sliced piece of watermelon to her and Ashton hesitated, glancing at everyone at the table. They all seem to focused on their breakfast, "go on Ashton, take it!" Isla demanded not seeming to care about anyone looking at them weirdly.

Ashton sighed and leaned forward again so Isla would feed her. For some reason, the fruit tasted impossibly sweeter.

After breakfast, Ashton had nothing else to do so she played chess with Theodore on the varander outside the mansion.

Ashton's SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora