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Zayn's POV
I hate management. They always try to keep us separated and never tell us anything that's happening with each other. We usually tell each other anyway, but it's still annoying. This morning neither Harry nor Louis showed to the meetings and when Liam and Niall asked about it both of them were brushed off. Paul told us they were coming later and not to worry. If they would just tell us what's happening it wouldn't be so difficult.
"We're leaving in two minutes." Liam says poking his head through the door. I slowly stand up and put my shoes on, fixing my hair in the mirror by the door, before walking out the door with Liam to meet the rest of the boys in the van. Niall, Harry, and Louis are already waiting. Liam and I both climb in the middle. The van starts moving before either of us have the chance to click our seatbelts. I don't know why we're always rushed around everywhere. It's not like we're running late. We're hardly ever late because of the strict schedule management forces us to follow. Harry and Louis are quietly whispering to each other in the backseat while Niall, Liam, and I start having our own conversation. It's mostly Niall and Liam talking while I listen. Well, almost listen. Harry and Louis are probably having a more interesting conversation. They're whispering so I don't know. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Harry doesn't look very well. It's not that he looks bad, god that kid is lucky to look the way he does, just unhappy. Maybe a little bit paler than usual too. I can't really tell from where I'm sat. I can tell that he isn't quite right. That would explain why he and Louis missed the meetings earlier. Obviously Louis wouldn't have left him alone if he was unwell in any way.
"Zayn." Liam's voice grabs my attention quickly.
"Have you seen this?" Liam turns his phone around to show me a tweet. It's a picture of him and I kissing. It's clearly edited (even though we have kissed a good few times before) and anyone with half a braincell can see that.
"It's clearly edited. It still has the watermark of the editing website in the corner. No one's going to believe it's real so you can chill the fuck out."
"Zayn. Be nice." The driver says sternly. I flip him off.
Louis' POV
"You doing alright H?" I ask softly. I'm really worried about Harry but he seems to be okay for right now. He doesn't respond. I can see in his eyes that he isn't really here in the car. Maybe he's back at our apartment, maybe his childhood house, I'll probably never know where his brain is. "Harry." I grab his hand. He jumps. "Sorry love. Didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine." Harry mumbles. He lays his head on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
"You sure?"
"You don't sound very sure. Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Are you-"
"What's wrong darling?" I ask worriedly. I can see in his eyes that something is very wrong. Harry was still, so still that it was scaring me. The boys hadn't noticed our conversation because we were whispering. Harry seems to be having an absence seizure. I can barely tell what's happening because the driver of the car is very stop and go, stop and go so everything is moving. We finally turn and I can properly look at Harry. He's certainly not well. It seems as if he's having an absence seizure but he's also twitching a little bit. It doesn't seems good but I know Harry wouldn't like it if I brought anyone else's attention to him. After another minute of me contemplating what to do Harry snaps out of it. "Talk to me H. What's wrong?"
"I feel fuzzy."
"Fuzzy how?"
"Everything is fuzzy."
"How can I help?"
"I don't know."
"Kisses? Cuddles? Anything you want I'll try to do." Harry leans over and places his head on my shoulder. "Tell me if you need something."
Liam's POV
I saw what happened to Harry. So did Zayn and Niall. We all made a silent agreement not to talk about it nor acknowledge that it happened unless it was absolutely necessary. We know Harry wouldn't like that. He's never specifically said he doesn't like attention in situations like that but is very easy to tell. Something about the way he looks at the floor sadly and the way he quietly places headphones over his ears and brings his knees to his chest makes everyone feel at least a little sorry for him. The world won't give him a break. Between massive amount of hate, terrible interviewers, management, a concussion and whatever happened today it would make you think that he was getting karma for something terrible. I know he hasn't done anything bad enough to deserve all of this.
"Paul." I wave him over and whisper in his ear. "Please tell the interviewer to go a little easy on Harry. He's not doing great."
"Already have. Zayn told me about what happened." Paul starts to walk away but stops himself. "Tell me if anything else happens. I'll deal with management if he needs to stop for a while."
"Yep. Will do. Thank you." Paul walks away go deal with whatever is he was tasked with doing. We're ushered on to a interview set, Harry was allowed to sit by Louis for just this one time, and given a few last minute touches of makeup and hairspray.
"Three, two, one, rolling!" Someone behind a camera shouts. A woman in a black dress with a silver belt is sat across from us.
"Hello everyone! I'm Gabriella Williamson here with One Direction playing 'First and Last'" she states confidently. Two voices behind me and one next to me accompany my greeting to her. Harry's voice is the only one missing. "Is everyone ready?" Four of us answer yes, Harry stays quiet. "What is the first and last album you bought?"
"First one I bought was a spice girls album for my sister's birthday." Zayn mentions quietly. It's not really a secret that he loves to spoil his sisters but he always tries to hide it or pretend it's not a big deal.
"I bought a Fleetwood Mac album a few weeks back." Louis voiced. "I don't remember my first."
"I can't remember the first but the last was our album to give to my mum. She wanted to put it on display for some reason." Niall pipes up.
"I don't remember the first but the last one was our album." I state quickly.
"And what about you Harry?" Gabriella asks.
"Huh?" Harry is snapped back to reality.
"What was the first and last album you bought?" For a split second I was surprised she was so calm about it but then I remember Paul said he asked her to go easy on him.
"I've only ever bought our album."
"Did you just never listen to music before or what?"
"Not really."
"Why not?"
"I don't know."

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