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do I need a post-smut warning? idk but part of this is like an after-sex so you can skip it if you want. i'll put where it ends.
Louis' POV
I wake up next to a sleeping Harry, which is nice to be the first one up for once. This is our only off day for a while, so we get the chance to sleep in. Memories of last night flood my mind. I know for a fact he's going to be sore today. I quickly get dressed, planning on going out to grab breakfast for the both of us, and write a note to Harry explaining where I am in case he wakes up while I'm gone. I grab my keys and drive to the nearby coffee shop and bakery that I know Harry loves.
"Hello!" says the bright young cashier with a smile. "How can I help you today, sir?"
"Can I get a hot chocolate, yorkshire tea, four chocolate chip muffins, and a loaf of sourdough bread please?" I ask, pulling out my wallet.
"What size hot chocolate and what size tea?"
"Both large."
"So a large hot chocolate, a large yorkshire tea, four chocolate chip muffins, and a loaf of sourdough bread?"
"That will be 19.58 please." She says, placing the bag on the counter.
"Thank you." I say, grabbing the bag and handing her a 20 pound note before walking out. I quickly drive home, finding no evidence that Harry had woken up. I go into the bedroom to find him still sleeping, and even though he looks completely adorable, start to kiss him awake.
"Mmmmm. No more." Harry mumbles.
"A bit."
"I've got painkillers and breakfast if you can walk. Or I could bring it to you."
"I can walk. And I don't need painkillers."
"Are you sure? I figured you'd be pretty sore after last night."
"I'm sure."
~~post-smut over~~
Harry's POV
"Hey mum." I say, picking up the phone with a smile. I stand up from my drawing to walk around.
"Hi darling. How are you?" Mum asks.
"Good. We should meet up again before we leave for America."
"Give me more than just good. How was the show yesterday?"
"It was super fun. We all had fun onstage. What about you? How's Robin?" I ask, beginning to clean the kitchen counters with my phone on speaker. Louis is out of the house, so he won't overhear the conversation.
"He's lovely as ever. We have another date tonight before he leaves on business." she says, evidently happy.
"Where at?"
"That fancy restaurant downtown that I love. Enough about me. How's Louis?"
"He's great too. He woke up early to buy me breakfast this morning."
"Early as in early or early as in you slept in?"
"I slept in."
"Congrats that's a first!"
"I've slept in before mum."
"July 3rd 2009."
"Oddly specific but okay."
"You've known me for 17 years. Get used to it." I say, hearing a key in the door indicating Louis' home. "I have to go mum. I'll call you later so we can meet up soon."
"Alright. Love you baby."
"Love you too mum."
"Why are you cleaning the backsplash?" Louis asks, sitting down next to me and kissing my cheek.
"I don't know. I was cleaning the counters and I don't know after that."
"Alright... Up for a cuddle break?"
"I'll never finish if I stop now."
"How long do you think you're going to take?"
"5 minutes max."
"Come cuddle after."
this is so short but I can't figure out what to do with it
Update (jan 13 2024) still can't 👍

StimmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora