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Harry's POV
After the first two shows we did as a band, I started opening up to Niall, Liam, and Zayn a bit more. I knew quite a bit about them, but they knew virtually nothing about me. I've had a few good conversations with them now, over text of course. I learned Niall's brother moved away for college a few years ago, so he could relate to me missing Gemma. Zayn likes to paint, and we talked about art history together. Liam also gets bullied, so we've talked about the differences in our situations, although I left out the part about my autism and ADHD. All three of them commented about how different I am over text. I know they're right, they've barely heard me talk, but over text I feel more comfortable talking about things. Maybe it's because I don't have to worry about them seeing stim toys or struggle with eye contact. The bullying started getting physical again, but at least I was able to protect my face from the punching so it would be believable that I didn't know where the bruise came from, or that I hit my leg on something.
I'm getting ready for our third show as a band. Clothes, check. Hair, curly mess. Pills, swallowed, I think. Shoes, halfway there. Where is my other shoe? I hear knocking at the front door. Louis must be here to pick me up.
3rd Person POV
"I missed you." Louis greets, kissing Harry on the cheek as he closes the door behind him. "Are you ready to go?"
"I need to grab my backpack and find my other shoe. I'll be back in a second." Harry says, running upstairs and grabbing the backpack he always brings. He double checks that he has enough stim toys. He finds his shoe, oddly it's on his cat, Darcy, who he quickly pets before running back downstairs.
"Did you find your shoe?"
"Yes. The cat had the shoe. I have the shoe." Harry starts mumbling nonsense while trying to gather his thoughts, although failing. "Let's go."
"Are you okay? You're all over the place right now." Louis says, concern lacing his voice.
"My ADHD pills take like an hour to kick in and I took them like...umm... what time is it? I think like 30 minutes ago? Maybe 10... maybe right before you came inside... not long enough ago. I'll be fine when they kick in. Let's go or we'll be late."
"Alright." Louis chuckles. They walk out to Louis' car and climb in. Louis grabs Harry's hand as an attempt to calm him down. "Put your seatbelt on." Harry clicks his seatbelt on and Louis starts driving.
They keep talking for the next 30 minutes. Harry is still very hyper and all over the place, but Louis doesn't matter because he's also extra smiley and he's a sucker for the adorable double-dimpled smile his boyfriend has.
"I'm going to have a seizure." Harry realizes mid-sentence, right before slipping into an absence seizure.
"Do you need me to pull over?" Louis asks concernedly, looking over to his younger boyfriend while also trying to keep his eyes on the road. He realizes that Harry has already started the seizure. He quickly pulls over. Harry's arm starts twitching before he snaps out of the seizure.
"Why are we pulled over?"
"You had a seizure. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Keep going."
"Okay." Louis agreed hesitantly.
Louis' POV
Harry and I walked into the main waiting room to find Liam, Niall, and Zayn all sitting around talking. We go over and sit down by them, on the floor as per usual.
"Hey guys. We're tenth." Liam informs us.
"Are you alright Harry?" Zayn asks.
"What?" Harry asks, snapping back to reality.
"Are you okay?" everyone now has their attention on Harry, who is still all over the place.
"Yep. Perfectly fine. Why do you ask?" Harry asks, now searching his backpack for a stim toy.
"You're very all over the place." Liam says, still looking at Harry with concern.
"That's what happens when I forget to take my ADHD pills until like ten, probably less than ten, maybe like five... maybe six...not enough minutes before leaving. They take like an hour to kick in. I'll be fine."
"You have ADHD?" Niall asks, visibly confused.
"And autism and a lot of other problems." Harry says as I watch the puzzle pieces connect for our fellow band members. I pull Harry closer to me, noticing a rather large bruise on his arm.
"That makes a lot of sense." Liam says, gears clearly turning in his brain.
"Yeah." Zayn agrees. "That explains a lot." Everyone's quiet for a moment, either zoned out (Harry) or fully realizing how obvious it is (Niall, Liam, and Zayn).
"What's this from?" I ask, inspecting the bruise further. He shrugs.
"I don't know."

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