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Louis' POV
The interview seems to be going well. It's mostly the normal questions, asking about our music and how we like America. Harry's been zoned out for most of it. I don't think the interviewer has noticed, and if she has then she hasn't said anything. Either way, she seems to be getting increasingly concerned for him for making her repeat the question over and over again. Some members of management are clearly mad at him for not paying attention.
"What about you Harry?" The interviewer, Maddy, asks.
"Sorry what?" Harry says, snapping back to reality.
"Are you alright? You seems very spacey." She places her hand on his leg gently. Harry wiggles uncomfortably at her touch. I fight back a look of rage and disgust. I know Harry can't tell that she means trouble, but I can. He gently moves her hand away.
"I'm always spacey."
"Why is that?"
"I guess that's just the way I am." I know I'm the only one who can tell that he's masking, to everyone else he looks normal. I know he only lets me see the true him, meaning I can identify the pain in his typically bright green, although now a bit more grey, eyes. I place my hand on his leg protectively.
"So do any of you have girlfriends?" Maddy continues, clearly not very satisfied with Harry's answer.
"I've got a girlfriend." Zayn pipes up.
"So have I." Liam says confidently.
"Not me." Niall admits, significantly quieter than he normal is. I know he got dumped a few days before we left for tour. Harry and I can't truly answer this question honestly.
"No." Harry mumbles, which isn't technically a lie.
"Nope." I say.
"Harry, Louis, there have been quite a few rumors about you two. Care to explain?" Maddy asks, clearly trying to look into Harry's eyes.
"Which rumors?" Harry questions.
"The ones that claim you're dating. Are they true?"
"Just because someone thinks something doesn't make it true or untrue. For something to be true you need evidence and reasoning behind your theory. So I say let them think what they want." That surprised me. Harry isn't one to say something so obviously deep like that. He either says things with no meaning or with hidden meanings.
"Well they definitely have the evidence and reasoning. It seems some pictures of you two kissing have been going around the internet. It seems your fans think you have been in a relationship with each other for over a year now."
"Again, just let them think what they want to think."
"Well that wraps up the interview. Thank you boys for coming." There's a chorus of thank you's and goodbyes to follow. We all shake her hand, except Harry, and we are quickly ushered back to the van for our next interview. The van seats enough so we can spread out quite a bit. Niall and Zayn climb into the middle and Liam claims the front next to the driver, leaving Harry and I to the back.
"Get comfortable. There's almost an hour to the next interview." The driver says in a deep voice. Zayn and Niall both grab out their phones and Liam starts talking with the driver.
"Can I put my head on your shoulder?" Harry asks tiredly.
"Yeah of course. Are you gonna try and sleep?" I answer, pulling him closer. He nods and closes his eyes. "Do you want more painkillers first? I have some in my bag."
"Yes please." I reach into the smaller front pocket of my backpack and pull out the bottle of pills.
"Do you want my water too?"
"No I have mine. Thank you."
"Of course darling. I love you."
"I love you too." Harry mumbles, leaning into my shoulder again.
Harry's POV
Nothing Louis was doing to help me was working. I know he's trying, it just isn't working. I don't want make him sad. My head really hurts. Even though my eyes are closed I'm not asleep anymore. It hurts too much. Everything is kind of blurry. I can't quite remember what's happened today. I know we went to an interview but I don't remember most of it. All I remember is she put her hand on my leg and it felt like needles were stabbing into me.
"Darling," Louis says softly, running his hand up and down my arm. "It's time to wake up."
"Do I have to?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry baby."
"It's not your fault." I open my eyes to find no one else in the car besides the driver.
"Does your head still hurt?"
"More or less than before?"
"Less." I lie.
"Is there anything else I can do to help?"
"No. You're doing plenty."
"That's not what I asked. What else will help?"
"You sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure."
I randomly switched to Louis' POV but didn't mean to and didn't put this message in until a lot later.
Louis' POV
"Everyone ready? Three...two...one...rolling!"
"Hi, we're One Direction here with the NME answering some of your questions." Liam states confidently. We learned very quickly that Liam is the best one to put in charge. We butt heads sometimes because he isn't always right.
"Who's the most likely to get hurt?" an interviewer asks from behind the camera.
"Harry." Niall says almost instantly. We all nod in agreement.
"You're the clumsiest?"
"Yeah definitely." Harry says.
"What song off the album is your favorite?"
"I Like I Should've Kissed You." Zayn is always straight to the point.
"I like Up All Night because it's a fun party song." Niall states happily.
"I don't have a favorite because they're all great." I say with a smile.
"I think that Moments really has a great vocal mix between the five of us." Liam says, leave it to him to sound all tech-y and professional.
"I like What Makes You Beautiful because the music video was really fun to film." Harry says quietly.
"You liked flirting with those pretty girls didn't you?" The interviewer says slyly. My blood boils.
"Then why was the video so fun to film?"
"I like hanging out with my friends and the beach was really pretty."
"Sure, sure."
"Lay off the kid. He's had a tough week." Liam interrupts. Thankfully he said something before I did or the interviewer would regret ever thinking of speaking with my boy.
"What could have possibly happened that could make it so terrible?" He says with a fake concerned expression. "I mean, you've flown to America without having to pay it yourself, you're going to have thousands of girls screaming for your attention and you could pick any one of them with a face like that, although your band mates might have the first pick through the crowd. Save the worst-"
"Okay that's enough. Boys grab your things we're leaving." Paul interrupts, signaling the camera crew to turn off the cameras. We all stand up and start walking towards the dressing room for our backpacks. There's an ugly silence that is begging to be broken.
"Harry, forget every word he said. None of it is true." Liam says angrily. He's better at talking normally when he's mad than I am. Harry says nothing. I grab his hand as we walk back to the van.
"You okay?" I whisper, planting a soft kiss on his cheek after we click our seatbelts in. Harry's already asleep. "I love you."
Ugh this took so long. I've been so busy. I had my birthday this past Sunday (officially old enough for wattpad yay) and there's a robotics competition this Saturday and my normal shit too it's a lot. And the term ends tomorrow so extra school work too. Sorry this took so long I'll try and write a lot more at the robotics comp (it's 13+ hours and mostly downtime)

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