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Time skip to next week bc I'm lazy
almost identical to a convo I had with my friend, if she was Louis and I was Harry.
Texting: H=Harry; L=Louis
L: U busy?
H: No, why?
L: Can I ask you some questions? About ur autism and ADHD?
L: You don't have to if you don't want to
L: Don't feel like you have to
H: I'm fine with it.
L: Does it interfere with school? Like the actual learning parts
H: Sometimes
H: I get distracted a lot and have trouble focusing so I miss a lot of information. The school has some accommodations set up for me though.
L: What kind of accommodations?
H: I don't do well with presentations so I don't have to do those, and if I do it can be separate with just the teacher.
H: There's a sensory room I can go in if I need.
H: If I need extra time on tests and stuff I can get it.
H: I don't have to do projects in groups if I don't want to.
L: Is it hard for you to study?
H: Yeah it's pretty difficult.
L: Do you have a system or anything?
H: I have a few ways but they don't always work. Usually I just make my mum stand there while I work to make sure I get things done.
L: And does that help?
H: Usually.
L: What does overstimulated mean? What does it feel like?
H: It feels like what nails on a chalkboard sound like. It's just overall a really awful feeling. It basically means sensory overload which can happen to anyone but people with autism and ADHD feel senses more.
L: How often does it happen? Can u prevent it?
H: It depends. You can do some things to prevent it but it's mostly out of your control.
L: What do you do when you're overstimullated?
H: *overstimulated
H: It depends on how bad it is.
L: What does auditory avoidant mean? And visually seeking?
H: Every sense has a fancy word for it. Auditory=sounds, visual= sights, tactile=touch, gustation=taste, and Olfaction=smells. Most neurodivergent people are avoidant of one or two of those and seeking one or two as well. Some people (me) are seeking and avoidant of more than that. Avoidant means you don't like feeling that sense, or certain parts of it. Like if you were tactile avoidant you wouldn't like to be touched, either not at all or not by certain people or not in certain places or at certain times. Seeking means you are actively looking to stimulate that particular sense. Like being a visual seeker means you might look at bright lights or flashing lights. Or if you're auditory seeking you might listen to music on full volume or repeat sounds and words.
L: What senses do you seek? (plz dont use the fancy words)
H: Sight, touch, and sounds.
L: And which ones do you avoid?
H: Sounds, touch, and tastes.
L: Wait so u avoid and seek for touch and sounds?
H: Yes.
L: How does that work?
H: I like to be touched by certain people but not in certain places on my body and not by most people and not all the time. I like loud music and stuff but crowds and screaming I can't deal with usually.
L: You might have entered the wrong industry if you don't like crowds and screaming. Boy bands always get screamed at, especially since you're so cute
H: Thank you? I have no idea if that was supposed to be a compliment or not.
L: It was. Sorry it was confusing
H: It's my fault not yours. I'm bad at accepting compliments.
L: Can I try again?
H: Sure.
L: You're cute.
H: Thanks.
L: Is it true that more autistic people are gay/bi than the general population?
H: Yes, neurodivergent people are statistically more likely to be gay/bi than the general population. I believe the general population's percentage of gay/bi people is ~20% and within the neurodivergent community it's like 30-40%. At least I think so.
L: Do you fall into the 30-40%? (sneaky sneaky)
H: Yeah. I'm bi.
L: Same
L: Are you free to hang out tonight?
H: Depends.
L: On what?
H: Where?
L: A walk in the park and ice cream?
H: That sounds nice.
L: So you're in?
H: Yes.
L: Alright I'll pick you up round 7
H: See you then.
eeek it's getting exciting now
also here's some of the convo I had with my friend

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eeek it's getting exciting nowalso here's some of the convo I had with my friend

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Update (Jan 13 2024) she's my girlfriend now

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