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TW: death but not described a lot.
also sorry for all the POV switches, that's just how my brain processed the story when I was making it up in my head.
Louis' POV
I wake up in bed, alone. I look at the clock on the nightstand, 6:15am, aka too early. Harry shouldn't be awake for another hour at least. We have a late start today. I look around the room, surprised to find a sleeping Harry on the ground next to his desk. I walk over to him, running a hand through his hair. He doesn't even stir. I carefully pick him up and carry him back to the bed, making a mental note to ask why he was on the floor when we wake up. I climb into bed next to him, planting a kiss to his cheek before falling asleep once again.
I wake up again, checking the time once more. This time it's a much more reasonable 8:30. I look over to see Harry still asleep next to me. It's about time that he would be waking me up normally. He never sleeps this much. Reaching over to brush a few loose curls off of his forehead, he doesn't feel too warm. I decided to take a shower and get ready, we were just supposed to go to the studio today so I can dress comfortably if we do end up going or not. After I get ready, I see Harry is still asleep. Knowing that he probably didn't sleep much until I found him on the floor, I decide to call us both into work.
"Harry and I aren't coming to the studio today." I say.
"He won't talk. Overstimulated." I lie, hoping that it's believable over the phone.
"Alright. But you both have to come to the studio tomorrow no matter what."
"Will do." I say, hearing beeping that signals the call is over. I walk back into the bedroom and lay down next to Harry again. He wiggles away instead of cuddling into my side like he usually does.
3rd Person POV
Harry and Louis lay in the same position for another two hours, Harry still asleep while Louis scrolls on his phone. After two hours Harry starts to stir. Louis gently kisses his head as he opens his eyes.
"Morning sleepyhead. Wanna tell me what's wrong?" Louis says quietly, trying not to startle the boy.
"The voices are back." Harry mumbles, tears beginning to leak from his eyes.
"What voices love?"
"Make them go away." Harry cries.
"Shhh. You're okay."
Harry's POV
He's dead. Call your mum.
"Did my mum call?" I ask after a minute of me crying into Louis' shoulder.
"I don't know. Why?" Louis asks, holding me close to his chest.
"Need mum. Now."
Call your mum. He's dead. He died yesterday and she got the news today. She already tried to call you.
"Why do you need your mum? She's probably at work right now." I try to wiggle out of his tight grip but he just holds tighter.
"I need her. Let go of me."
"Harry, she won't answer. Please just tell me what's wrong."
Call your mum or else.
"Please." I beg, voice breaking.
"Okay you can try to call her." Louis says, releasing me from his grasp. I quickly walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where my phone is plugged in on the counter. Unlocking it quickly, I open up my mum's contact and press the call button.
"Harry darling. I tried calling you earlier but-" mum starts.
"He's dead isn't he?" I ask, trying not to let the tears fall out of my eyes.
"Yeah. Gemma got the call last night."
"How? Was he in pain?"
"Cancer. He didn't tell anyone about it." mum says. I can hear her crying over the phone. Even though she divorced my dad they were still friends. They were always friends and never lovers. "Gemma already booked a flight back for the funeral."
"When is it?" I ask, allowing a few tears of my own to fall. I barely register that Louis has walked into the room and wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"The 19th. You and Louis can come the day before and spend the night so you don't have to drive so far so early."
"Yeah. That'd be nice. I'll call you later mum."
"Love you darling."
"Love you too mum." I say, ending the call.
"What happened?" Louis asks, spinning me around to face him. I can't even answer his question before breaking down sobbing once more.
Louis' POV
"What happened?" I ask, spinning Harry around to face me. He can't even answer my question before breaking down sobbing once more. I was able to pick up something about someone dying. By the looks of the situation, it was someone close to Harry. "Shhh. It's okay."
"I-I never go-got to say goodbye." Harry cries.
"I know darling. I know. Can you tell me what happened?" I ask gently. I'd like to know who died and how so I can properly comfort my sobbing boyfriend. He shakes his head at my question, still sobbing. "I'm so sorry baby."
Harry fell asleep again after almost two hours of crying. I decided to text Anne and figure out what happened exactly.
TEXTING:A=Anne, L=Louis
L: Sorry to bother you, but can you tell me what you told Harry when you called? He won't tell me what happened.
A: Don't be sorry darling, you're never a bother.
A: His father passed away last night. He had terminal cancer and didn't tell anyone.
L: Sorry for your loss.
A: We were planning on having you and Harry drive up the day before the funeral so you wouldn't have to drive so far so early.
L: Would you be okay with us staying with you for a night or two?
A: Of course you're both always welcome here
L: When is the funeral?
A: The 19th. Right before you both leave for America
L: Thank you
A: No problem darling
A: Please take care of my boy
L: You know I always do
A: Alright, see you soon
L: Bye Anne
What do you think about Harry just knowing? That's a weird thing that I have with my brother, like I always know if he hurts himself or something and he has the same thing too. We kinda have twin telepathy, even though we aren't twins and his actual twin (our sister) doesn't have telepathy with either of us. She's the odd one out lol.
Update (Jan 13 2024) I made a voodoo doll of my brother and stuck a needle in its ear and was like oh shit because then my brother came home with a blood ear

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