🅘︎🅣︎🅢︎ 🅐︎🅛︎🅦︎🅐︎🅨︎🅢︎ 🅣︎🅗︎🅔︎ 🅠︎🅤︎🅘︎🅔︎🅣︎ 🅞︎🅝︎🅔︎🅢︎....

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(Hana's P.O.V)

We eventually arrived at Ranboo's base (Which was fucking massive) which surprised me since he was quite a humble guy, nice.

"Dude, you must be RICH rich" I complimented making them snort.

"Please, I do nothing all day while people I hire to do my paperwork, I wasn't made for that shit," He said making me and Tommy laugh.

We eventually went into the huge building and were brought to a huge office room with a bunch of people including Aimsey - the person who flew the helicopter.

"Right, Aimsey is the getaway driver and pilot, we need a weapons person and a first aider" Ranboo announced, he was a nice guy but he was terrifying when he was serious.

A freckled man with split-dyed hair our his hand up, his nametag read 'Bilzo' Strange name.

"Yes, Bil?" Ranboo said.

"I can supply us with weaponry, I got a new delivery of hand bombs and guns to my office. There are loads" Bilzo told in his British accent.

A brunette man put his hand up, his nametag read 'Freddie', finally somebody round here with a normal name!

Ranboo gestured to him making me begin speaking.

"I have first-aid stuff in base 2 from the Mall killings, I have a lot left over and some more at the office. I can do first aid" He notified making Ranboo grin.

"Perfect, the rest can do backup. DISMISSED!" He exclaimed as everybody left except, Aimsey, Freddie, Me, Ranboo, Tommy, and Bil.

"I need to explain the situation that's going on to you guys so you have some background on what you're getting into" Ranboo announced, as he leaned into his desk and the 3 looked at him with uneasy faces.

"So these 2 here, Tommy and Hana. They're a part of the Chuckle Gang are you aware of them?" Ranboo explained making them all nod. "Good"

"Alistair Grimm, Or Brian if you can see through the bulshit of that fake-ass name, took all 7 of their members and now there is no trace of them"

"We need to get Wayne - Our tech guy for those of you who don't know him- To do some digging to find Brian's base. We know it's somewhere in the UK"

"That's all for now so let's get this show on the road"

𝐖𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ᶜʰᵘᶜᵏˡᵉ ˢᵃⁿᵈʷʰⁱᶜʰWhere stories live. Discover now