Chapter 4 - Serious Conversations

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Let's get serious WOO! (I'm in pain /hj)

Timeline: During chapter 2!


"Hey Jimmy?"

The blonde jolted a little, turning around to find his teammate. "Jesus, Martyn! You scared me! Sneaking up on a guy when he's defenseless, not cool!" Martyn chuckled at Jimmy's reaction before growing serious in an instant.

"Do you think Scott knows about us?" Martyn's eyes seem to lack any humor as he stared at Jimmy. Jimmy flashed a smile. "He might have his suspicions about you, but I'm pretty sure he's clueless about me. I mean my performances in these games kinda erase any doubt about the legitimacy of my lack of skills."

Martyn raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "What do you mean, 'he might have suspicions about me'? You think he's catching on?"

Jimmy shrugged, leaning against the shelter's wall. "I've seen him staring at you in Limited Life, like he's trying to put the pieces together. Maybe he's just being nosy, maybe he's onto something. It's hard to tell."

Martyn sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Damn, I thought we were being careful."

"We are," Jimmy reassured. "But you know Scott, always playing detective. He's got that sixth sense when it comes to people. I mean, if he starts asking questions, we can just deny everything. There's no guarantee that will work on him though. He has always had a knack at knowing when others are lying to him." He paused, then added, "Relax, Martyn. Even if he finds out, it's not the end of the world. We'll handle it when the time comes."

Martyn frowned. "It could be the end of my world! The Watchers could exploit him! The Shadows hate him, Tim! They might torture him or worse, turn him into one of them!" Jimmy's smile wavered for a moment before returning.

"I can guarantee you, Scott won't let some god-like beings mess with him. In fact, he might be happy about the challenge. Trust me."

Martyn crossed his arms, still clearly uneasy. "I don't know, Jimmy. I saw how shaken up Scott was when the whole server was after him both times in Limited Life and the one time in Secret Life! I don't want to put him in any more danger. Plus, The Watchers have a way of making people turn on each other. We can't underestimate what they're capable of."

Jimmy sighed, understanding Martyn's concern. "Look, I get it. The Watchers are a threat, and we need to be careful. However, Scott's part of the team, and he deserves to know he can put his trust in us."

Martyn shook his head. "I'm not ready to risk everything just because Scott is smart! We've been able to keep this under wraps so far, and I'd like to keep it that way."

Jimmy placed a hand on Martyn's shoulder, trying to reassure him. "I'm not saying we should shout it from the rooftops, but if Scott finds out and understands, he could be a valuable ally. We can't face the Watchers alone, Martyn."

Martyn sighed, his resistance softening. "I just don't want things to change, you know? We've got a good thing going on with the games, and I don't want to jeopardize that."

Jimmy nodded. "I get it, mate. But we can't control everything. Sometimes, we've got to take risks, especially when it comes to protecting ourselves and those we care about."

The two friends fell into a thoughtful silence, the weight of the situation hanging in the air. Martyn finally sighed, relenting. "Alright, let's keep an eye on Scott. If he starts getting too close to the truth, we'll figure something out. But for now, let's focus on the game and deal with the Watchers when the time comes."

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