Chapter 3 - You Had This Coming, Grian

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Grian's part now! (Yayyyy!!! -Sarcasm)

BTW, this takes place at the same time as the previous chapter!


As the gray horse gallops through the forest, its avian rider relaxes for once. He feels at ease as the wind tickles the feathers on his back. Not a worry in sight or on his mind. It's therapeutic, almost. But of course, on a server like this one, players hardly get to relax. As if this point wasn't evident enough, the stallion comes to an abrupt stop as an arrow flies past its head, just barely missing it. It causes the horse to start freaking out, neighing loudly and raising his hind legs in a defensive position.

"Woahhh there boy, calm down, it's alright." Grian attempts to calm his steed down and succeeds in doing so. After calming himself down as well, the parrot-hybrid scans the forest around him in search of the culprit that spooked his horse.

Grian knew that his situation was far from ideal, exploring a dense forest with barely any gear or weapons. But, it was a risk he had taken, hoping to find valuable resources.

However, now he was regretting his decision, because, it was at this moment that he heard the telltale clattering of bones, and his heart sank. In the dim moonlight, his narrowed eyes had spotted the culprits emerging from the shadows: skeletons.

Grian's heart raced as he realized he was defenseless. He frantically scanned his surroundings for any means of escape, but the dense trees and underbrush offered no clear path to safety.

The skeletons closed in, their bows drawn and arrows aimed directly at Grian and his horse. Panic threatened to consume him as he urged his steed to gallop through the forest, narrowly avoiding a barrage of bone-shattering projectiles.

Desperately, he raced through the trees, trying to outmaneuver his skeletal pursuers while keeping his horse under control. But they were relentless, their pursuit driving him and his mount deeper into the woods.

Grian knew he had to think fast. He searched for any available cover, a hiding spot, anything that could give him and his horse a chance to evade their attackers. His heart pounded in his chest as he continued to evade arrows, each miss a close call.

Then, just as he felt hope slipping away, he spotted a small clearing up ahead. Without hesitation, he guided his horse into the open space, his heart still racing as he listened to the skeletons' bony footsteps drawing nearer.

As Grian navigated through the dense forest, the trees gradually thinned out, revealing the spacious clearing bathed in dappled moonlight. Instinctively, he unmounted, secured his lead to a sturdy tree, and unsheathed his sword, the metallic sound echoing through the stillness of the night. The ominous silence was soon shattered as skeletal figures emerged from the shadows, their bones clattering with an eerie rhythm.

With each passing minute, the relentless onslaught of skeletons continued unabated, and a palpable sense of fear coursed through Grian's veins. The avian's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, and he concluded that there must be a spawner nearby. The sheer volume of bones in the air was beyond reason, a chaotic dance that hinted at the presence of a dark source.

Undeterred, Grian swung his sword with practiced precision, cutting through the skeletal foes, and skillfully blocked incoming arrows with the bow he had hastily crafted. Despite his adept combat skills, a new adversary emerged—exhaustion. His hunger waned, and weariness settled in, threatening to be his demise.

Hope faded as Grian fought against both the undead horde and the limitations of his own stamina. It was then that a sudden blur of orange hair obstructed his sight. As the fiery-haired defender leaped into action, Grian's eyes refocused. "Gem! Thank goodness you're here. I was getting pretty tired."

Gem flashed a reassuring smile, "Trust me, I could tell." Grian playfully scoffed in mock offense, the camaraderie between them evident.

However, amidst the battle, Grian couldn't shake off his annoyance with Scott. The avian had orchestrated teams based on past alliances, but that didn't grant Scott the authority to determine Grian's fate. The irritation simmered beneath the surface, a resolve forming in the avian's mind.

As the skirmish reached its climax, the avian vowed silently to settle the score with Scott by the end of this perilous game. The clearing echoed with the clatter of bones, the rustle of leaves, and the determination in Grian's heart as he fought not only for survival but for retribution.


I know, I know, it's a short chapter. Sorry guys! I have been struggling with ideas and also school kinda got in the way of updating this so, i'm really, really, really sorry! Have a great rest of the day!

Ally Life (Title Might Change)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang