Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Start of Session One


A raging battlefield deafened with screams of terror, a piercing pain shooting through his chest when he failed to block in time, the familiar feeling of waking up in his base with nothing to his name, an alert sounding from his comms-tablet followed by the same feeling of dread and hopelessness.

A singular red poppy above a buried grave with no body...

A thirst for vengeance surging through his blood, one that will not be quelled until fulfilled...


An island surrounded by stalks, an hourglass shape that seemed to barely fit on the land it was built on, a possessiveness that turned ordinary for anyone who had grown close to the blonde adventurer, a will to give up life source just to see others thrive, a passion to survive but not forget how to live...

A familiar agreement, a welcomed death, heat causing an unwelcome one...

A corrupted laugh that no longer sounded like the ally he had grown fond of...


Yells fogging up the air, arrows clouding his vision, a once hated gaze from a blaze now loved.

An all too familiar curse looming over the scene and the need to break it.

A desperate last ditch attempt to prove he didn't waste this life...

Screams of terror and despair as Scott's vision is overtaken with a red velvety liquid...


A curse now shattered but at what cost?


Each night he would have the same 3 nightmares. 2 of them were memories of blondes while the third one was always unrecognizable. It was like a warning coming to him from far away from the present. Was it telling him what will happen in the future? Sometimes voices would change pitch, lights would flash unfamiliar patterns separate from the previous night, yet one thing was certain, the ending always stayed the same, no matter what differs in between.




There was no changing it, and that is what scared Scott the most.


A heavy, uncomfortable silence enveloped the participants like a heavy sheet. All 18 players stood before what appeared to be a holographic tab list projection, emanating from a beacon that emitted a distinct shade of purple. Tensions escalated during the agonizing minutes of stillness until a horn blast mercifully cut through the air, commanding everyone's attention. Stepping out from the crowd, a familiar golden-haired figure took the center stage, positioning themselves just in front of the hologram.

"Alright, players, a few important notes before we dive into what we hope will be an enjoyable series," Grian began, eliciting a few audible groans from the crowd. "As many of you know, I came up with the idea for the Life Games, but I must admit that while I serve as the main organizer for these servers, I haven't done it alone." Murmurs began to ripple through the gathered players, curiosity evident in their expressions. Among them, Tango scanned the crowd, his gaze landing on a particular individual.

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