11. Spark of The Sea

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Darren's heart ached as he reminisced about the days when he, a close friend, and a wise friend were a tight-knit team. The brewing competition brought back bittersweet memories of their collaboration.

"We did it, guys!" Darren exclaimed, but his close friend's disappointment was palpable. The kind words offered to Darren's friend by the wise member, offering comfort and encouragement, resonated deeply with Darren.

Days turned into weeks, and a betrayal shattered their friendship. The fight between Darren and his close friend escalated, oblivious to the chaos surrounding them. The lab became a scene of destruction, chemicals and potions scattered in disarray. An accidental event jolted them back to reality, but it was too late. The wise friend was consumed by the flames, leaving Darren and his close friend in shock and despair.

Darren cried his name out, his voice filled with anguish. But the wise member remained silent, forever lost in the tragedy. The weight of guilt and sorrow settled heavily on Darren's shoulders. He couldn't help but blame himself for the devastating turn of events.

In the aftermath, his close friend's resentment towards Darren grew, and they left their hometown, carrying the burden of their pain and disdain. Darren was left alone, haunted by the memories of their friendship turned tragic. The emotions overwhelmed him, and he couldn't help but wonder if things could have been different, if he could have saved the wise friend and prevented the rift between them.

The loss of their wise friend and the shattered bond with his close friend left Darren with a profound sense of emptiness. He vowed to carry the weight of the past, learning from his mistakes and cherishing the memories of the friendship they once shared.

Darren noticed that the current version of O'may Navier was a stark contrast to the lively and vibrant O'may Navier he once knew. Despite being surrounded by friends and having Agent Pig by his side, Darren couldn't shake off a sense of unease and unhappiness. Trust issues had always plagued him, and he believed that honesty, though important, often led to undesirable consequences. For Darren, it felt like a one-way ticket to hell.


A few hours ago in the morning..

Darren anxiously flicked the compass, desperately hoping that it would work and establish a connection with the map. After a moment of anticipation, the compass emitted a soft glow and a faint alarm, signaling success. A triumphant chuckle escaped Darren's lips. Len, who had been patiently waiting nearby, extended her hand, eager to retrieve her compass. This compass served as a lifeline for Len, ensuring that if she ever needed assistance on her journey back home, she could reach out through the map, even if she was far away from the O'may Navier Island. With no phone signal or connection to rely on, this compass became an invaluable tool for communication and guidance.

Len had been waiting for Darren to return her compass. When he finally handed it back to her, she breathed a sigh of relief and muttered, "Took you long enough." She had good reason to be in a hurry, for she was preparing to embark on a long journey. Len was headed to the mushroom island, and the task at hand was to fetch some mycelium for Agent Pig's mushroom farm. It was a critical task, as the farm's mushroom storage was dwindling, and Len had been entrusted with the responsibility of replenishing it. Agent Pig had promised to reward Len with a significant amount of diamonds, and Len had accepted the offer. However, she was not planning on going alone. Len had sought the help of the boys, who agreed to accompany her on this hazardous journey. Len knew that it was a wise decision to have some extra protection while venturing out into the unknown.

Remi, being cautious of Agent Pig's intentions and the potential dangers that awaited on the mushroom island, took extra measures to ensure their safety. As a result, Remi crafted an unique compass that was intricately designed to be recognized and detected by both Len's and their maps. This clever creation would not only guide them towards their destination but also serve as a means of protection, allowing them to stay one step ahead of any potential threats.

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