Chapter 36 - Our Magic

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As I walked through the portal, a familiar sense of dread filled my body, sending a shiver down my spine.
I looked around, trying to make sense of my surroundings, only to wish I hadn't.
I was back in the mine where we found the second triptych piece.

"I'm impressed," a cold voice spoke from the other side of the opening, stepping out of the shadows to reveal themselves.
But even before I saw their face, I knew who it was, the voice only heightening the chill shooting through my body.

Isidora slowly approached the centre of the opening, admiring the rune symbols and door she created as she did, as though she were impressed by her own work and how it stood the test of time.
"You know, I was a Ravenclaw." she smiled, looking towards me with an amused glint in her eye. "I'm surprised a Slytherin such as yourself could pass the test. It couldn't have been easy."
"Yeah, well, I did." I answered bluntly, sharpening my glare as I readied my wand, waiting for her next move.

She laughed at my response, as though she were amused.
"Thanks to those friends of yours, no doubt. You've even involved a Ravenclaw and a new Hufflepuff."
My brows furrowed at her comment. She knew about Skye and Blaine?
"I'll admit, it's been cute watching you all run around pretending to be the new generation of Keepers. But make no mistake, the more people you involve, the more I have to hurt to get what I want." her eyes narrowed into a glare as her smile disappeared, turning into something more threatening.

A tight feeling squeezed my chest at her words, wondering what she could possibly have in store.
I quickly shook the feeling off, masking it with determination as I stepped forward, pointing my wand toward her.
"Why am I here? How are you here?" I questioned, changing the subject as I took in her physical form.
The repository released her will, her emotions, her magic. So how was she physically standing in front of me?

Her glare softened into an amused smirk again, as though she'd been waiting for the question.
"Well, you see, while you and your friends have been gathering Percival's magic, I have been gathering magic of my own." she began, drawing her own wand as she displayed an example of her power, letting it seep off the end of her wand.
"No doubt you've heard about those villagers. Seems the council have caught wind, twisting it to something evil. I helped those villagers, took away their pain, and they made me out to be a monster." her words dripped with venom as she watched her wand.

"I managed to gather enough strength to make myself a body again, hoping it would ease their discomfort. But it seems that hasn't worked either." she finally ripped her eyes away from the magic, looking back at me as she stepped forward.
"If I could just get the repository, I would have the strength to do more good. Prove to people I am doing what is right, and expose the council and their selfish intentions to keep this magic a secret. Our magic." she grinned, holding out a hand.

I just stared at it, her words circling my mind.
She wanted to do good, I knew that.
But I knew what she was doing caused more harm than good.
And it seemed she was past reason at this point.

I didn't agree with the Keeper's decision to kill her, she just wanted to share her abilities with the world.
But at that moment, I understood why they did it.

"No." I stated, refusing her unspoken offer.
Her face turned sour at the word.
"No?" she said, sounding more like a warning than a question.
"Have you seen what happens to people once you take their pain? You take everything." I snapped, walking forward.
My mind flashed to everything that had happened in the past year.
Professor Fig, my friends, Sage and Hunter, my parents...

"You may think that's better, but it's not. I would rather feel all the pain I have, because that means I feel something. I have something I love enough to cause me pain, and that's better than nothing at all." my voice raised until I was almost yelling, causing Isadora's eyes to widen.
She stood there in shock for a moment, my words echoing off the walls before the opening went silent, my hard breaths the only sound.

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