Chapter 13 - Friendly Competition

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"Thanks for helping me set this up, Imelda" I smiled.
I had decided to give the course in Irondale another go, this time with a little friendly competition.
At least, friendlier than Imelda's competition.
When I had the thought, only one person came to mind for me to set it up.
To say Imelda was pleased was an understatement.

"Anytime. I'm glad to see you taking this somewhat seriously. Wish I could say the same for the others" Imelda rolled her eyes, dusting off part of the course.
"I mean, it looks abandoned! Seems like I'll be playing Quidditch solo next year" she huffed, her eyes becoming slits as she gave me a curious look.
"No." I said bluntly, knowing this look all too well, especially over the last few weeks.
Black had officially announced the return of Quidditch next year, after being threatened by the Department of Magical Games and Sports since Madam Kogawa followed through on her promise to write to them.
Ever since the announcement, Imelda had been pestering me about trying out, saying that the team needed someone like me, and how it was only for one year.
But I couldn't even begin to think about something like that when I didn't even know if there was going to be a next year.

"Fine. I'll drop it for now. But don't forget, you owe me now" she smiled cockily, pointing around us at the course.
I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"If I'd known you'd use it against me, I wouldn't have asked." I grumbled.
I looked up at the sky, seeing how the sun was almost at its peak, meaning that it would be time for lunch soon.
My stomach filled with butterflies and I gripped the handle of my broom, nerves filling me.

"That reminds me, you still haven't told me why you needed my help so suddenly" Imelda continued, earning my attention as a blush creeped up my cheeks.
There was no way I was going to tell her exactly why.
I would never hear the end of it.

"Just wanted to help a friend get some practice." I answered, avoiding her gaze as I looked back at the sky.
"Please tell me it's a Slytherin. Can't have the second best flyer helping the competition" she laughed, folding her arms.
I let out a small chuckle.
"Yes, Imelda. It's a Slytherin" I looked at her as she mounted her broom.
"Good. Maybe they'll have some school spirit. Or at least be somewhat capable with a broom." she sniggered.
"Goodbye, Imelda" I insisted, refusing to repeat the conversation.
Thankfully, she took the hint as she flew off, but I knew that was far from the end of the conversation.

I sat down at the base of the course, fiddling with my broom as I waited.
I started to wonder if this was actually a good idea.
I had wanted to do this for a while, but I was always so afraid to ask.

After Sebastian and I played Wizard's Chess in the Undercroft, I'd had the idea to challenge him at a race.
Something about competition seemed to make him happy, like it took his mind off of everything else.
Seeing him like that, seeing his mind work as he focused on the task at hand, it was something I wished I could see over and over again.
He was such a driven person, it was something I liked about him, but it was unfortunately one of his downfalls too.

Since the incident in the map chamber, I had been trying to find a way to talk to him.
A way that didn't have to be so serious and awkward.
I couldn't keep dragging him down a path of sorrow, with his focus being protecting me.
I wanted to at least bring him some joy, if only for a moment.
Tomorrow was Friday after all, and I couldn't risk him acting irrationally.

So, I had decided the night before to send him an owl asking to meet me here during lunch, and to bring a broom.
I had never seen Sebastian fly, but I knew he somewhat could.
It was definitely not the circumstances I'd hoped for when I pictured racing him, but it was certainly better than nothing.

As I sat there waiting, I wondered if he was actually going to show up.
I hadn't seen him in any classes so far today, so I wasn't even sure where he was.
For all I knew, he could be locked away in the Undercroft, concocting some sort of obscure plan for tomorrow that none of us would agree to otherwise.
Or maybe he just wanted to avoid me.
I wouldn't blame him, given the emotional turmoil he seemed to have around me at the moment.

Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian Sallow x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن