Chapter 4 - Choice

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I woke up struggling to breathe, sending a sense of fear down my spine. I knew this feeling from before.
I was in another dream.

This time, I quickly got up and looked around, searching for Isidora and preparing myself for another trick.
However, all that seemed to surround me was swirls. I could make out some shapes, it looked like an unfinished painting.
I started walking forward, wondering if that would clear the picture before me, but I was stopped as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

I turned around quickly at the sudden touch, just to be met with Isidora once again, her face holding a cocky smile.
"It's nice to see you again" she greeted, taking her hand away.
"What do you want?" I snapped, stepping away from her. Before she could answer, I heard a familiar voice behind me, or rather, a laugh.

I turned to face the swirls from before, only to be greeted by a large dining room table, the surrounding room still contorted.
As I faced the table, figures seemed to take form around it. They looked like people, but their bodies were all distorted.

"What is this?" I asked Isidora, sensing her presence as she walked beside me.
"It is what can be" she simply answered.
I was going to ask what she meant, when I heard the laugh again. I looked over at the table and my eyes widened as one face came into focus. It was Ominis.
He was sat at the table, laughing, I had never seen him look so happy. So at peace.
That was when it clicked.

"This is Ominis' family" I whispered, earning a nod from Isidora
"The poor boy has so much pain. Now that the Sallow's are gone, he needs his family. If you take that pain, he can have his deepest desire. You can change them for the better, remove the guilt and resentment" she encouraged, but I shook my head
"No. He still has Sebastian and I. He would never want to go back to them" I insisted
"You can change them, make them exactly the way Ominis wants them" she explained.
I stared at Ominis. He looked so happy. I knew the feeling of wanting so much for your family to see the error of their ways. It was so painful to watch those you wanted to love end up causing you nothing but hate.
"Do not be selfish with your power"
This time, I actually woke up in my room. I was practically drenched in sweat.
I sat up in a panic, trying to calm my breathing so as to not wake anyone. However, I heard someone stir before sitting up themselves. Imelda.
"Emerald?" she questioned, clearly wondering what could possibly be happening at this time.
When she saw my state, her eyes widened
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" she whispered in an urgent voice, also trying to make sure no one woke up, but I quickly shook my head in dismissal.
"Just a nightmare, don't worry. I think I just need some air" I quickly blurted, getting out of bed hastily. Imelda raised an eyebrow in question, clearly thinking this was a bit too much of a reaction for just a nightmare, yet, she just shrugged and went laid back down, quickly falling back asleep.

I showered quickly, hoping not to wake anyone, and decided to get dressed. There was no way I was sleeping again tonight. This was exactly what I was afraid of. It was a recurring thing, but it wasn't even the same dream.
I walked into the common room, which was eerily quiet.
I tried sitting down next to the fireplace, but it just felt too exposed to truly relax.
I then tried pacing up and down, but I got scared of waking anyone.
Finally, I just plopped myself down on the floor in defeat. There was nothing I could do to relax. My mind was just racing.

Suddenly, the idea of the undercroft popped into my head. It was perfect.
Surely Sebastian and Ominis wouldn't mind if I stayed there tonight. I mean, it wasn't like they'd know at this time.
So, I made up my mind and sneakily made my way back over there. Less than a day back and going to the undercroft was already a habit.
When I got there, I instantly began to relax. The solitude of the place made me sigh in relief. I quickly made my way over to the back of the room, hiding myself behind some of the crates.
For some reason, being so hidden made me feel safer. Like the dreams couldn't find me here.
I tried thinking about what it could all mean. Why now? Why that at all?
There was no way it could possibly be Isidora, she died centuries ago and her portrait was destroyed. Yet, these still didn't feel like just dreams. It felt like there was something more to it. My whole body felt different, like I could feel the ancient magic circulating inside me, begging to be used...

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