Chapter 6 - Since We Last Spoke

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When I had finished for the day, I started to head straight for Hogsmeade.
It would probably be a bit early for Sebastian to be there, but I wanted to get there as soon as I could.
I still had to get my story straight. Was I going to tell him everything? or just the important bits?
What even were the important bits?

It didn't matter though, as I was suddenly greeted by an Owl from Professor Weasley.

Could you please come see me at your earliest convenience.
I wish to speak to you about your first day back.

I rolled my eyes, it was like I was the new student all over again. Surely there were first years that she could talk to instead.
Don't get me wrong, I liked Professor Weasley, in fact, she was the one I trusted most after Fig. Especially since she now knew to some extent what had been going on last year.

I quickly started heading over to the transfiguration classroom, wasting no time as I didn't wish to make Sebastian wait.
When I got there, I got Deja Vu as I saw Professor Weasley talking to Deek.
I walked over, Professor Weasley noticing me almost instantly.

"Ah, hello Miss Black" she greeted, her kind smile putting me at ease.
"Hello Professor, hello Deek" I smiled back, nodding towards the house elf
"Deek was just informing me of the wellbeing of your animals. Seems they have been just fine during your break" she continued
"Thank you, Deek. I will be sure to check in with them as soon as I can" I faced the house elf once again, to which he nodded with a smile before disappearing.

"I do hope you start visiting your Room of Requirement more frequently this year, as your N.E.W.Ts are a lot more challenging than your O.W.Ls. However, given how you passed with flying colours after only one year, I wouldn't stress yourself out too much." she got up, making her way around her desk so that we were both facing each other, once again giving me Deja Vu.

"I wanted to speak to you about how you are doing. While I have heard that you are keeping up, both Professor Sharp and Professor Garlick have noticed your mind seems to be drifting elsewhere." she paused for a second, registering the look on my face, but I didn't say a word.
"Given what happened last year, I understand that it took quite a toll. You went through a lot. I just wanted to let you know that the other Professors and myself are aware of the situation and willing to help however we can." she continued, walking forward and placing a friendly hand on my shoulder.
I smiled at her, but I couldn't help the pit of dread in my stomach. The last Professor that got involved with this died. I couldn't risk that again. Not with Professor Weasley.

"Thank you, Professor, but I am fine. I think it's just taking some adjusting. I can assure you that I will be back to normal tomorrow." I smiled
"That is good to hear. But my offer still stands. I am always here to talk." she took away her hand, stepping back slightly.

"From what I understand you have also made some friends. I do hope you can confide in them as well. We do not recommend involving students in dangerous activities such as last year, but I'm sure they will listen if you wish to talk." she added, to which I nodded eagerly.
I didn't want to involve any friends in danger, or anyone actually.
But if she thought I was somewhat confiding in others, maybe she would drop the issue in the future.

"I will, Professor. In fact, I had arranged to meet Sebastian in the Three Broomsticks after lessons to catch up" I explained, hoping that she would take the hint.
"Sallow?" she asked, her eyes seemed to hold both confusion and surprise, but I nodded eagerly nonetheless.
"I'm glad to know you have become friends since your venture to Hogsmeade. I do hope the two of you stay out of trouble"
I nodded again, a little slower, not really knowing what to say. Our friendship really had blossomed since then, but with everything that happened, I didn't know if the term friend really covered it.

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