Chapter 25 - Encounter

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After stepping through the portal, it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light, since the other side seemed to be very dimly lit, which was odd.
However, as I blinked the scene into existence, I realised why.
The portal hadn't taken us to the map chamber like the other one had.
This time, we were in the Forbidden Forest.

Before I had a chance to even think about what this meant, I heard a voice come from behind me.
"Well well well, look what we have here."
A froze at the voice, since it was the last one I'd expected to hear right now.
It was Sage.
But why was she in the Forbidden Forest?

I built up the courage to turn around, seeing that the portal had disappeared.
The others seemed to have already spotted Sage, staring at her as she blocked the path ahead.
Yet, I couldn't help but notice that they were staring at something in particular.
Something in her hand.
I slowly stepped forward to get a better look, quickly followed by a gasp as it finally came into view.
It was the locket.

"What the hell did you do?" I growled, realising that this was no mere coincidence.
A smug look overtook her features as she straightened her posture, as though to look down on us, preparing to reveal whatever plan she'd hatched.
"Over the break, I received an interesting owl from the Gaunt's saying that their estranged son had returned to reconcile. Naturally, they were a bit cautious and asked me to keep an eye on the situation."

I quickly glanced at Ominis, who held a guilty look.
We'd known that they weren't exactly trustworthy, but I hadn't expected them to involve Sage.
She took this as a sign to continue, holding up the locket as though it were a trophy.
"So, imagine my surprise when I tail you to the slytherin common room, just to find this laying on the floor."

Once we were all looking at it, Sage let a grin cross her face, before placing the locket in her coat pocket, making sure we knew it was out of reach.
"I decided to cast a spell of my own, since you clearly used it as a portkey, because why else would you leave it lying around like that. And so, it's brought you to me, off the castle grounds, where you can begin to give me some real answers."
She finished, her grin dropping as her tone became more demanding.

I felt like an idiot for not seeing this coming.
But that was overcome by the annoyance of her desperate need for answers.
She was just here because of the Ministry.
She didn't even care that her sister was involved in any danger.
As long as she could get the information she needed, she didn't seem to care about how she got it.
And here I'd been missing her voice over the break.

"This isn't a joke, Sage. Give us the locket." I snapped, sick of her treating this like some sort of game, the crease of her smile still etched into her face.
And my reaction hadn't helped.
"What makes you think I'm joking? I'm sure the Gaunt's would be interested to know that their son stole such a priceless relic." she shrugged, shifting her gaze towards Ominis, who's face began to twist at the suggestion.

I gritted my teeth at the threat, and before I knew it, I had begun to storm forward.
"I said, give it back!" I yelled, launching myself toward her, reaching out a hand to try and grab the locket out of her coat.
However, she easily managed to dodge the action, swiftly stepping to the side.
Then, as I regained my balance, I looked up to be met with the other end of her wand.

I was shocked at first, not expecting the action.
I wanted to try and move out of the way, but for some reason I just waited.
I wanted to know if she would actually do it.
Because out of everyone, she was the last person I'd expected to hold a wand to me.

"Do you really want to do this the hard way?" she glared at me, her face seeming more serious after the attempt.
And the worst part was, it was actually convincing.
She actually resembled our father.
"Is that really your solution?" I growled, the image of him circling my mind.
After all he'd put us through, was violence really her tactic?

Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian Sallow x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant